Though we might get programmers that way.
"What on Earth do you mean, Sengir?"
Well if tSR's more prolific and more active programmers(Previous, Sploder, and myself) were to create little code snippets for free use I think we could get some of tSR's less active but equally as good programmers to post snippets too. And with a topic for each code snippet the tSR members who want to learn to program would be able to ask questions about the code and gradually learn the different techniques we use. I already have a bunch of code snippets ranging from a basic tiled map using a single-dimensional array in Javascript to an implementation of Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm.
We could call it... The Coders Resource
(01-30-2012, 06:50 PM)Sengir Wrote: [ -> ]I already have a bunch of code snippets ranging from a basic tiled map using a single-dimensional array in Javascript to an implementation of Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm.
We could call it... The Coders Resource
That yells HTML5 games to me... Maybe Dazz should make a game website.
I've been saying that since 2009, no dice.
But on a positive note I've been discussing community GameDev events with the moderation and will make a topic soon for a potential February event!
Nice, maybe we could a V-day thing or something...I dunno. Any other big Feb holidays lol?
Alright, gonna try posting some code. Mind you, I write like GML for Dummies so it may be easy to understand. Though in all honesty i have no idea what the f i am doing, and I know I am doing this wrong.
if instance_exists(Naruto_Uzumaki) && instance_exists(Sasuke_Uchiha) && instance_exists(Enemy_Parent)
if Naruto_Uzumaki.Turn=0 && Sasuke_Uchiha.Turn=0 && Enemy_Parent.Turn=0
switch (choose(1,2,3,4,5,6))
case 1:
if Naruto_Uzumaki.Speed>Sasuke_Uchiha.Speed
case 2:
if Sasuke_Uchiha.Speed>Naruto_Uzumaki.Speed
case 3:
if Naruto_Uzumaki.Speed=Sasuke_Uchiha.Speed
switch (choose(1,2))
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
if Enemy_Parent.Speed>Naruto_Uzumaki.Speed
case 5:
if Enemy_Parent.Speed>Sasuke_Uchiha.Speed
if Enemy_Parent.Speed=Naruto_Uzumaki.Speed || Enemy_Parent.Speed=Sasuke_Uchiha.Speed
switch (choose(1,2,3))
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
(01-30-2012, 02:03 PM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]That's what I think, but I decided to hold it a little and talk with someone who understands better (a programmer) if that is okay.
Did you just imply that I am not a programmer :ß
I don't see any reason not to allow the posting of source code. If someone wants to do so, why not? Its not like the other rules concerning enough content et cetera wouldn't apply there, too.
Besides to some of us, code snippets can be just as interesting as screenshots.

no, why did you assume that
I just said Sengir because he's the one responsible for revitalizing the gamedev section, but any programmer such as you, sploder and the others can give opinions about it.
I am no programmer, so I don't know if such thing is okay or not, so that's why I retracted myself from giving opinions.
The Coders Resource for games would be great. If anyone here actually made games in HTML 5.
It just wouldn't be busy enough to warrant paying for the hosting and domain name.
@Dazz: No, I said a GameDev subforum called "the Coders Resource" where programmers posted code snippets for free use would be neat. You already do enough with the Video Game Resource Network and you do it well!
@Previous: I'm no better a programmer than you or Sploder or the other programmers. I hope I'm not coming off as an elitist, I just really want to see the GameDev section grow!
@Gors: Whenever I see you post now I keep thinking it's Mighty at first and have to double-check

Hehe, when I first saw his avatar while scrolling I thought someone had changed my avvy for me and I immediately stopped to check.

(01-30-2012, 06:50 PM)Sengir Wrote: [ -> ]Though we might get programmers that way.
"What on Earth do you mean, Sengir?"
Well if tSR's more prolific and more active programmers(Previous, Sploder, and myself) were to create little code snippets for free use I think we could get some of tSR's less active but equally as good programmers to post snippets too. And with a topic for each code snippet the tSR members who want to learn to program would be able to ask questions about the code and gradually learn the different techniques we use. I already have a bunch of code snippets ranging from a basic tiled map using a single-dimensional array in Javascript to an implementation of Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm.
We could call it... The Coders Resource
I haven't checked this thread in ages. If you're still up for that I'd love to help get something set up, I can look to make a little site where the programmers can add code snippets and video tutorials which would focus on building some cool little projects. If you think the interest would be there and Previous, Sploder and the other programmers would be up for it we could make it happen.
I was actually thinking of just making it a Game Development subforum but that sounds cooler!
Well, there's the option of just having it aggregate stuff from the forum. I was thinking if we make a little engine where people can put their code though we can have a review system and vote on the best/most helpful snippets which would then appear on the homepage (or as a featured snippet?) I'm up for suggestions! I have classes tomorrow then I'm off the weekend so I have four days to get my hands dirty with this every week.
Stop stealing PxC's ideas, guys.
Seriously though, I've been having a hard time finding people willing to create engines and frameworks, but if you guys can find 'em I'd love to help promote them.
Heh, sorta old topic in this thread but, I use GM aswell. I wrote some boring calculators and whatnot in Python, then (I took an arrow in the knee *sarcastic laugh*) I realized how much Python sucked for GUI support. I was just like "F this!" and switched to GM. As said earlier "Once you go GameMaker, you'll never go back." I tried C++ for like 3 days and switched back to GM.
Well I did GM once and I don't like it. So I usually use Delphi Pascal because I know I can get stuff done with that. Java is actually nice, too, but there's a lot I still have to learn - same goes for C++, I know the basics but not enough to reach any goal. I'm not feeling like learning more at the time, though.
Currently I'm checking out some ActionScript 3.0. Looks like a mix of everything. It is funny how Flash doesn't seem to have code completion and stuff! That'd make learning somewhat easier. At least they have a nice reference with examples and everything.