So if I were to learn the Java language, and if I were used to programming, It would be easy to adapt to C++, right?
P.S: What's the bold diffrence between the two?
C++ is a little lower level than Java, I believe. As far as I understand it (since I don't actually know C++, though I do know Java), you spend a lot more time in C++ dealing with memory management and the like. In that respect, C++ is probably a lot easier if you understand a little about how the computer actually runs your programs.
Hmm... I don't get it. I thought C++ was harder due to the fact that C++ has tons of command types to use and different ways of using them.
Does Game Maker support 3D games now?
How well does GM support 3D?
As far as I know, GM used to support 3D games, but on a basic level. I'm not sure about know though.
(05-02-2012, 06:02 AM)BlueBlur97 Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm... I don't get it. I thought C++ was harder due to the fact that C++ has tons of command types to use and different ways of using them.
Does Game Maker support 3D games now?
Well Java has tons of classes and functions and can't even stick to a naming scheme ("println()" but "readLine()"? Okay).
Java has over 4000 classes in it's default library. If anything, Java has more things to learn about it than C++, by a long way.
DAMN! But which is more powerful?
DAMN! But which is more powerful?
Some people still argue about that topic, but if you want my opinion, all modern programming languages are equally powerful. It's really more of a personal preference and experience deal.
Except if it is your job, then you will have to work with whatever your employer gives you

Like Previous said, modern day programming languages are equally powerful. You can do (nearly) all of the same things with any language, be it C#, C++, GML or Java. Your focus should on the easiness to learn the language, the functions it provides and its suitability to your project.
Thanks guys. I was asking you this because I was wondering which language would be most suitable for a fan game I'm planning to make.
Do you have any experience? Maybe you'd like to try Visual Basic?
I've never used it myself but I have friends who learned how to program via Visual Basic and eventually moved up to C#.
I was actually planning to use Blitz 3D. It uses the BASIC language, which I really don't think is effective for what I'm aiming for, a Sonic Generations style game.
(05-02-2012, 09:54 AM)Curlyw42 Wrote: [ -> ]How well does GM support 3D?
old question, but GM supports Doom 2 to Duke Nukem 3D graphics, but you can use dlls to enable n64 graphics to halo 2 graphics.
Can you code .dll's in GML or do you have to use C++?