It's under our team title, give it a quick spin if you're bored it's quite buggy as none of us knew gamemaker whatsoever, but I'm really proud of the guys who did the programming for us, they worked the hardest out of all us and without them we would have been screwed
EDIT: I can only post the sprites I worked on, but I'll post a link for our game tomorrow when we're done

Here's some of the animations for our main character: ?. Some might look weird but when in game they don't so yeah

I also had to make her shorter to fit in certain places so I'll post a before and after of ones I thought the change was bleh.
![[Image: 2llhphf.gif]](
Walk when in unlit beginning:
![[Image: mkj7fc.jpg]](
![[Image: 24pf6ag.gif]](
ReducedSize Walk:
![[Image: dc91jq.gif]](
Ladder Climb:
![[Image: xfys6u.gif]](
Enemy Snake movement:
![[Image: 35c23yu.gif]](
Enemy Snake attack:
![[Image: ejtwr8.gif]](
Demon boss entrance:
![[Image: 2rwuvq8.gif]](
Definitely flawed, but overall I like the design and the rest of the team is happy with it.
And that's all I really had time to do for what we had done, if we could of gotten farther, I would have made some attack animations and pushing animations

any visual reference for what you want to make? I am trying to understand what you meant but my mink is kinda numb, heh
Here I'll post my example sorry I should have clarified
Here's a x2 image
![[Image: kez2vl.png]](
oooh, right
I think this would then be close enough:
As you can see, glowing material are very bright in the middle, and it faints the more farther it gets from the center. notice that the saturation also drops (it gets 'grayer') when farther to the lightsource.
also, since it's a lever, it probably would cast some faint colored light on the wall it's fixed on. Since it's a game, though, I don't think you can do the same with the character sprites, unless you use effects and alpha blends
Okedoke, thanks Gors

I can't wait to show you guys what the group and I make!! If you want to close this feel free, otherwise I might post progress throughout the next few days.
Try doing a gradient from your color to the alpha channel. That will make it fade naturally.
Use of gradients in small-scale pixel art looks p. bad though
I'd suggest a bright AA'd outline and if you want the particles emanating from the glow try using 1x1 or 2x2 squares either using two different colors or fading a single color out over time programmatically. Here's my attempt:
e: Welp, JPEG'd
![[Image: h0Qte.png]](
Thank you very much guys, you've answered my question

When I get all the character animations done I'll post them, it'll be probably a long while as we're just building the first floor.
Bumping dat topic with animations in the first post

There are... quite a few problems:
1. The Jump animation: Okay apart from the fact that the hair randomly grows during the jump. That's not a good thing.
2. The Walk animation: The original walk is far better than the "reduced size" one, which looks stiff and awkward.
3. Snake movement: The sprite itself is very wonky and the lineart is bad. The animation does not give an impression of movement in any way, and looks very jerky and awkward.
4. Snake attacking: There's no power behind it, the snake appears to just suddenly flatten out (and fly for some reason). Give it some frames preparing to attack.
5. Demon entrance: Sorry, this is just... bad. The sprite is very stiff, the animation is very jerky and the "speed lines" while it's falling look dreadful. When it hits the ground, there's no impact, since it doesn't move, and when it grows, it doesn't really have any impact either, and it looks really awkward the way it just... appears.
A lot of these need totally redoing.
When you're working with 48 hours and your programmers NEED sprites at a certain size and within a certain time frame there's only so much you can do. I liked the originally walk more too, but the sprites needed to be 32x32 otherwise issues came up with other objects. The snake is admittidely terrible, but I've never worked with animals before, but that's no excuse, it's not even being used because we don't have enough time to program it in. The speed lines are actually blobs trying to catch up with it, it's just a shadow blob, and yeah the animation is jerky, but that's just my animation, I think the one they programmed in looks a little better. Like I said, I was just posting these because I wanted to show you guys, and I'll be going back to the girl character and fixing everything that was wrong, mainly the size and jump, but for now these are what had to do, due to the time frame we had. Thanks for the input though, although I'd really only go back to the girl, as the other doesn't fit any of my near future projects.
First though I need to finish my fighter for Gors' fighting game, and then I'm going to polish the girl and my platform shooter's sprites in a month or two, school is most important right now.
Edit: just wanted to say her hair doesn't grow when she jumps... the moment of falling is pushing her hair up..
since you're working with a limited time frame, there really isn't much I can say. Problems are apparent, but it's more important to priorize other things than graphical innacuracies.
not thing that I can suggest though is to edit the reduced walking animation so it's 1px lower when she takes a step. That will give the same effect from the original walk.
Mods, feel free to close this, I already put up a link to the game in Happy Thread, thank you.
post it here too, for more convenience. I'll close it afterwards c:

should be in the first post now.