(02-02-2012, 04:42 PM)AllenSword Wrote: [ -> ]It took awhile, and hopefully it's helpful, so here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?kyog8iwcln5wczi This is version 1 of my tutorial. Any comments are welcome.
Seems coherent enough to follow, though I would have done it completely differently. Not that there's anything wrong with this method. ^^;
Including example files was a great idea.
Thanks Allen, I'll try to get started on this soon.

Take your time and good luck! Ill help out when I can, just pm me.
hrm... I guess now that you guys have covered all the pokemon in the pokepark series it's time to cover the stages and stage elements
lol is right. so much poke in in this mon thread i cant' tell where the mon poke come from LOL.