Newest Update: October 17, 2012
Newest update made May 25, 2012:
![[Image: SizeChart.png]](
Includes: Connor Kenway, Bowser Shell WIP, New Mario, edit of Kazooie?
these sprites are not ment to be used yet as there are still WIP: but if you do use them, please give permission, I search all over the internet to find if people steal my sprites, so, if I see them on another site that I have not posted them too, I will tell Administrative to take them down. No edits to these sprites unless you have my permission/or trying to show a better alternative to make the sprite better. Thank You for your corporation. Sites Featured and under username: Spriters-Resourse: Mutantyoshi
DeviantART: Yoshimaster206
I've decided to make my own Mario styled sprites, and this is what I've came up with:
The top sprites were the original that I've started, but then felt that I should make them larger, and that is what you see with Bowser's face on the bottom of the sheet, I also wanted to know, wether the black outline is better than the color? so, what do you guys think? make the newer sprites or just contine with the old, and if the newer, should I go with black or colored outlines.
I prefer the black outline, it suits a Mario-based style nicely.
Your old Bowser reminds me of Chaoxys Bowser.
To get that out, Bowsers mouth is jagged. I prefer black outline better.
IDK... I like the colored outline on the bottom one...
M'kay we have two black outline and one colored outline, I might wait another day before continuing this to see who else posts about the outlines.
So, I feel that it has been long enough that there has been no post, and it seems that black outline is the style I'll go for.
anyways, I've made more:
what do you think? I feel Mario needs a lot of help, so I'm expecting a lot of critique at him, but if you feel that there needs to be more done with Banjo/Kazooie and Bowser, hit up the critiques!
The only problem I have is actually with Bowser.
He's standing up too straight, I always got the feeling that Bowser was weighted down because of his shell.
But Banjo and Kazooie are awesome!
I agree with ShadeDBZ, Bowser is standing to straight, not hunched over like you(?) would expect. I also think that the shell is coming out in basically a triangle shape, so i think that needs rounding out a bit more. Still, I love the sprites
I think a black outline would be better, personally. Also, nice work, although is it just me or is Mario's nose a bit to big? It's probably just me...
Anyways, same thing with the Bowser, too straight and too much of a triangle for a shell.
Besides Mario's head being slightly farther back than it ought to be, I don't really see much wrong with that sprite at all; the face in particular looks terrific.
The shading on the tip makes Mario's nose seem a bit triangular, other than that these are great, and Banjo & Kazooie are radular.
Quite a few things on Mario are iffy, actually...
Is that blue shade in the eye literally used for a single pixel in the entire piece? That's kind of pointless. In fact, looking more carefully...why are the other blues in the eyes unique, too? Just use shades from the overalls...
And, speaking of the eyes, they look kind of weird. I think they need to take up more of the eye, or something. The overall shaping of the face could stand to be more mario-like...the nose looks rather droopy and kind of misaligned. His chin tends to stick out and be more defined, instead of just being a straight line, his ears poke out differently, the brim goes around the hat differently, the mustache doesn't curve up right...
Besides that, the further arm looks a little off (have you tried flipping the image?), and the shading on the other arm is kind of rough.
Bowser suffers from similar problems. The shape of the body/shell is a bit of a mess. The head looks kind of...chunky? There are weird proportion/alignment problems that are keeping it from looking like official Bowser. They're hard for me to really describe specifically, though. Try sticking closer to references.
I think Kazooie's head is a little large don't you think? Banjo's face looks a little lumpy, in every version of his design he has a very smooth snout.
Also Kazooie just has three feathers on her head not four.
EDIT: never mind it seems Kazooie's feathers are different in each artwork... hm.
Thank you guys for all of your C+C!
so, here are two rough drafts for Bowser:
I think I like the middle one the best, it shows the more hunched over look, and also fixes the shell more.
what do you guys think?
This is looking great so far,
I think Bowser's hair needs to be revised, it's a bit too 'neat' looking if you know what I mean. Also, I two second the middle body.
Keep it up, regardless.