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I didn't read all your post, but when coming to spriting people in this size, you have two alternatives:

1-make the features overexxagerated, so people can see its face features and its expressions. This will ultimately result in super deformed 'anime' style or similar.
2-remove all facial features and rely on shading to represent it. A good example of this style would be Castlevania. In this case, all the expressions would then be represented by movement of the bodies.

choose which one suits your sprite the best, and work from there.
(02-29-2012, 10:53 AM)Terminal Devastation Wrote: [ -> ][Image: showing.png]
As for the other one... I usually pose myself for any unfamiliar pose. I lurk this forum enought to have seen that tip before and try it out from time to time. Sometimes I can get a sibling to pose for me. It hasn't helped much other than positioning. Elbow at waist, hand near hip. I just mess up the proportions when it comes to applying them to the exaggerated sprite. Also perspective. In short, I just need more experience.
[Image: main_large.jpg]
That pic made me realize I've been placing the pockets ALL WRONG...
Thank you.

[Image: showing.png]
Remade everything but the head outright. If I didn't mess up the shading too much this should fix the arm issue.
Not sure what looks better/more hardboiled in the end though, so I tried a few things.
the oner at the very bottom had the best pose, actually.
(03-02-2012, 10:09 AM)Meta Wrote: [ -> ]the oner at the very bottom had the best pose, actually.

If you're refering to the ones now in a Red box, as I suspect... I have to agree. Those ones looked right to me, but when I started to shade and clean it up, the position they were in changed, and I was starting to get too frustrated trying to get it back. Figured I better just complete the sprites anyways and come back for another try if needed.
Round 3:
[Image: showing.png]
Pages: 1 2