Here is a large sound pack ripped from New Vegas
They are in ogg format, because wav format was too much memory
The Doctors:
I'm nowhere near finished yet, more to come soon!
I'm afraid I can't accept them in .OGG format. They'll have to be either .WAV or .MP3 (.WAV preferred).
If one of the packs are 30MB or more, then they'll have to be split since they'll be too big. Sorry.

(02-04-2012, 11:39 AM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]I'm afraid I can't accept them in .OGG format. They'll have to be either .WAV or .MP3 (.WAV preferred).
If one of the packs are 30MB or more, then they'll have to be split since they'll be too big. Sorry. 
Ok, I'll convert them
Still planning on doing this bro?
Does anyone have any idea whether these are from the XBOX/PS3 (Other Systems) version or the PC version? I need to know before I upload them...
I think only GrimmJeel would know, although I'd assume that it's from PC. However the PC and Xbox sounds are probably the same (since they're both Microsoft platforms), so maybe you could add them to both consoles, similar to how
Irockz is submitting Left 4 Dead sounds for both consoles.
Well, it'd be a bit of work uploading all those archives twice, but if you think I should I will.
I actually don't think it's necessary to have them under Other Systems too 'cause of being exact duplicates and all (especially since there probably aren't any sounds that're changed/exclusive for either version), but as I said if you think it'd be better to have both I will.
Most pc games are ported from the X360 versions, so it would origin from the X360 version.
So I should put them under Other Systems where it originated then? I'm getting confused now...
The thing is we don't actually know which version he ripped them from but there might not even be any difference anyway so I think I'll just put them under Other Systems.
When I get back to my own computer, that is.
Well, if they're located in both systems, then you could simply put it in Other Systems and PC/Computer. Because, when looking for the sounds, they'll likely go to the version od the game they have, i.e. those with the XBox version will go look in Other Systems and those with the PC version will go look in PC/Computer. I just (personally) think it's the best way, people will find them quicker.
...Alright. I'll put them under both when I'm able.
Confound not being able to duplicate sheets yet!
Okay, everything is finally up thanks to puggsoy. I went ahead and listed him as a submitter along with you since he took the liberty of converting everything for you. I also put them under both PC and Other Systems because everyone wanted me to do that.