A broad question, but I shall try my best to answer it! I'll make a demonstration later on, got to get some sleep for work tomorrow. The main thing though is all about using your reference, looking at structures and buildings and apply it to your work to get a more believable architecture. Terrain is the same way, and learning pixel clusters and colors to allow for easier readability are important especially when making graphics for games or mockups.
Also, those two dudes will be pretty famous in this "game" as well. I shall not give that away quite yet. Also, I didn't make a proper pose for the situation in the mockup, and I shall do so soon when I create more animations!
![[Image: iaza19687477433200.png]](http://www.iaza.com/work/120420C/iaza19687477433200.png)
(04-20-2012, 01:52 AM)Delicious Wrote: [ -> ]A broad question, but I shall try my best to answer it! I'll make a demonstration later on, got to get some sleep for work tomorrow. The main thing though is all about using your reference, looking at structures and buildings and apply it to your work to get a more believable architecture. Terrain is the same way, and learning pixel clusters and colors to allow for easier readability are important especially when making graphics for games or mockups.
Also, those two dudes will be pretty famous in this "game" as well. I shall not give that away quite yet. Also, I didn't make a proper pose for the situation in the mockup, and I shall do so soon when I create more animations! 
![[Image: iaza19687477433200.png]](http://www.iaza.com/work/120420C/iaza19687477433200.png)
great work , but ... the trees are glued? e.e

Yea... They're glued together using glue..
Ha, but nah. I was thinking of doing something like where the foliage blends together but I guess it doesn't work well with only two trees. Thanks!
I guess when you do that, you can make the one tree's leaves a different shade of green. Also adds if you have different colors of leaves IMO.
Well, there will definitely be more type of trees and thus more colors, so hopefully that'll make it a bit more lively.
Also, if anyone is curious about this game and the direction it will be headed for - I'm thinking of doing a open world sandbox RPG, I have a story in mind but I'd like to develop it far more. There will be tons of violence, gore and all that awesome stuff.
I'll make a blogspot type thing for more of this crud though instead of posting it all here.
I shall also get back to that dragon.

I actually thought it looked kind of cool blended together... But that might just be me. It's kind of like how backgrounds of trees often just have one line of green (if that makes sense) instead of individual tops.
if i may make a suggestion...
just six little pixels. it might not be the best way to go about it, but just showing a tiny separation at the top keeps them looking connected without looking globbed together.
Thanks Dazz! and awesome suggestion Awesome Blue Luigi! Can't believe I didn't think of that, it's such an easy solution.
Thanks once again!
Almost done! Couple hours more to go.
![[Image: scaled.php?server=402&filename=heartpc.png&res=landing]](http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg402/scaled.php?server=402&filename=heartpc.png&res=landing)
Argh! Almost done now... Literally spent another 8 hours on this, I had refining pixels!
![[Image: iaza19687497581500.png]](http://www.iaza.com/work/120512C/iaza19687497581500.png)
Like I said before, its absolutely terrible, just like everything in this entire thread.
Scrap it and start over
I'm absolutely serious.
I love you
Though it probably wasn't even funny the first time
I must admit though, I haven't laughed that hard in a while once I clicked that spoiler. Haha, good one sir.
This makes my eyes smile. I love it.
Its horrible and I hate it