While the project for the IE headshots/bodyshots has its own thread, this is where I'll post my submissions for anything else Inazuma Eleven related.
As of the moment for this post, I only got to the cutscenes. There were some black and white stuff but I didn't include them seeing as they are previous game elements and it's better off if they have the full colored version instead.
Inazuma Eleven 3: The Orge -> Miscellaneous
Unfortunately, tinypic makes this look fugly, so I had to resort to Mediafire and upload it there. You can download and view the full resolution this way. (unless you have a better imagehost), but I'll look around.
Overworld Sprites: To avoid more questions of the same thing... I'm basically waiting for Tinke to fully support ripping these things. If I can play the waiting game, so can you, right? While you can experiment with it (and gives you hideous results

), I think there are some things needed that isn't usually found in the other files we've already ripped at this point.
Like the Portrait heads and bodies (which are separate from each other and what we've finished so far), these overworlds also have separate head and bodies. The main reason I could think of is because of the strips (uniforms) used in matches and other things and over 1500 players in one single game...
So, don't ask unless you yourself know a way to rip them and could educate us to how you've done it...
(and don't make me do screenshot ripping because I will not do such thing, and my explanation above gives me more reason to not do screenshot ripping

ImageShack (though if you use ImageShack you need to make sure you select "Do not resize" when uploading), etc. are great choices, all better than TinyPic.
Also uploaded.

I used to use Imageshack until I got this problem of not being able to view their images unless I log in or they delete my stuff... IDK...
I'll try min.us, looks quite interesting.
And oh, the font color for the icon I submitted is a bit off (I didn't noticed until now)... so I was wondering if you could replace it with this:
![[Image: afbrxl.png]](http://i39.tinypic.com/afbrxl.png)
Yeah, IS is really stupid for that. That's the very reason I stopped using it. I heard that anyone who doesn't have an IS account can't see your images and that right there was a no-no for me.
Anyway, replaced the icon. I'm glad you caught that, pure-white text kinda bugs me.

Yeah, I stopped using it altogether even if I still have an account with them. XD I don't want to sign up to min.us though, and since I just need a temporary place to upload large images until they get submitted, I think their site is fine for the meantime.
Anyway, another Cutscenes sheet, this time for Inazuma Eleven 2: Fire/Blizzard
First, the section icon:
And this might go under Miscellaneous
(*image will expire 30 days from the day of this post just in case you like looking at old posts)
I'm such a huge procrastinator... OTL I need to get to those bodies by next week... hopefully.
For the meantime, I got bored and decided to rip some other interfaces of the game, such as the capsule machine where you get random players when you put the coins you get. I also did the blogs, but that will come next time. XD
This is for Inazuma Eleven 3: The Orge (not sure where this will go, I suppose Misc. would do for now).
![[Image: 54sjgk.png]](http://i43.tinypic.com/54sjgk.png)
Soon all your uploading troubles will be over. Oh yes... Yes they will.
also awesome rips

^ Thanks... xD
I died... argh, still procrastinating on those body shots, but for the meantime, I finally got another version of Tinke after figuring out how to compile it... of course, that new version isn't uploaded yet (to the public that is)...
But anyway, I've been holding into these as the latest version of Tinke couldn't open the EUR version of IE, so I asked the programmer if I could add the game codes since I pretty much figured out how other IE games can benefit from the Inazuma plug-in of Tinke, yadayada... etc... and hence why I had to compile it myself. Now that I can open the EUR version of IE, I can present these... Blog Interfaces... 8D
Inazuma Eleven:
Inazuma Eleven 2:
Inazuma Eleven 3:
The more I rip using Tinke, the more I finally understand where everything is... turns out the top and bottom screen have their own folder of images... pfft... *flees*
Finally got to these... A combination of forgetting about them and being busy with ripping and stuff + getting distracted got in the way... XD
Okay then... I've finished playing IE2 EU... surprisingly the ED credits are colored instead of its one color scheme in the Japanese version (
example here)... so in this update, you have the Ending credits and the promised English version update of the Blog Interface.
Inazuma Eleven 2 Fire*/Blizzard:
![[Image: 6suk34.png]](http://i39.tinypic.com/6suk34.png)
- updated
*It's actually Fire Storm in the EUR version but it takes too much space in the game icon so let's just leave it as Fire.
I uploaded the Ending, but you really should add the EUR version of the Blog onto the sheet you already have (label it as JP, EU, etc.). You want to have all of them after all.

Either that or label the icons as "(JP)", "(EU)", etc., though having one sheet with all three might be more efficient.
(03-27-2012, 10:13 AM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]I uploaded the Ending, but you really should add the EUR version of the Blog onto the sheet you already have (label it as JP, EU, etc.). You want to have all of them after all. 
Either that or label the icons as "(JP)", "(EU)", etc., though having one sheet with all three might be more efficient.
Hmm, I suppose that works too... and I decided to go with one sheet, so here's the updated version with both the EUR and JAP stuff... xD
Although there's that space... but oh well... XD
There we go, that's great! Got it.