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he mad

this is actually a fan NES remix of the MSX song, but still great music.
(03-20-2012, 04:55 AM)Belial Wrote: [ -> ][video=youtube][/video]

I've always enjoyed the Professor Layton Soundtracks.

I'm sure that anyone who's played those games has. Two of my favourites from The Diabolical Box:

All the music in this lol

TS2 is a good game.

(03-28-2012, 02:41 AM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: [ -> ]TF2 is a good game.

Where'd that come from all of a sudden? You mean TS2?
Oh yeah, lol. I'll fix that.

I alreadt posted this but Crystalaria's theme for XG3 is pretty good too
I read TS2 as TSR

Disgaea has some of the best soundtracks ever, this is a song that can actually make me kinda melancholic:

Kid Icarus Uprising (tagged since a lot haven't played it yet)
I got some new favourite Professor Layton tracks: