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I know nobody listens to other people's links in this but whatever Smile
Been listening to Reporting from the Weather Balloon which you get with the Little Inferno pre-order.

It's awesome.
(09-10-2012, 09:57 AM)Lexou Duck Wrote: [ -> ]I know nobody listens to other people's links in this but whatever Smile
I do!
OH yeah i forgot about those two last ones, they're awesome Smile

Here, have some battle music from SNES RPGs that I have never played!:

So I picked up my old Final Fantasy: Four Heroes of Light file again and I remembered how much I love the music of this game:
I know these have been posted already but this game realy should've been on genesis, I mean Mega Man X dosen't even have anything I don't think the genesis could handle.
I wonder how much effort it would actually take to make a genesis version of MMX? I'd be more than willing to make that happen.
If I could sprite well enough I'd try to make some of the sprites.
(09-18-2012, 09:14 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]If I could sprite well enough I'd try to make some of the sprites.

wouldn't we just have to recolor the sprites to match the genesis palette?

Probably wouldn't be too hard but lets take this discussion elsewhere