(02-19-2012, 08:59 PM)Meta Wrote: [ -> ]those sprites are really ugly. at least they're using custom graphics this time rather than FF4 sprite rips.
check again
the main character is a megaman sprite edit with a longer torso
that's really nice lighting
thats basically terraria without FF4 sprite edits.
Might as well have fucking changed Terraria to look like this.
I HARDLY see a difference.
Bumping because the beta is out. It's really awesome so far.
![[Image: Z6NsjZb.png]](http://i.imgur.com/Z6NsjZb.png)
Redeeming my steam key the second i get off work
(03-13-2012, 10:19 PM)Cobalt Blue Wrote: [ -> ]thats basically terraria without FF4 sprite edits.
Super old post quote away!
This explains a lot. I kept thinking the zombies looked like Bartz, especially the one in the super hero costume. Actually now that it's been pointed out, they are definitely FF5 sprite edits.
I started playing last night and once I realized how the new GUI worked and stuff (It took me a second to realize I had to drag stuff out of the inventory box and up into my top bar; I wish that still worked like Terraria where it was all together...) I played around with swinging the Riot Sword for a couple of seconds but then the game flipped out and the GUI crashed so I had no way to leave the ship or exit the game without manually closing it, ahahah
Just got my hands on it last night...played for a little bit. The attention to detail is exquisite, and I love how animated everything is. I died when night came. How anti-climactic =(.
What bothers me about this game is the the interface is a whoooooooole lot less convenient than Terraria's, which makes this game pretty tedious to play at times.
Admittedly, I haven't gotten far so I'll probably get more used to it in the future, but making items and crafting two separate windows located on keys completely across the keyboard is a lot less convenient than Terraria's method of having everything be under a single menu.
The quick selector is no longer part of the inventory box (which I really don't understand) meaning that putting items in/out of quick select requires opening the menu and dragging out of inventory and into quick select instead of just putting your stuff at the top of your inventory box. The tradeoff results in another row of storage space for your quick select bar, but the inconvenience of using it to begin with outweighs the extra capacity.
On top of that, either I'm really stupid, or the whole L/R thing in the quick select doesn't work correctly at all. If I put an item on the hand slots, I have no way to mousewheel over to that item and the only way to select it is to manually click on it, which sort of ruins the whole point of it being in quick select since you can't... quickly select things.
Furnaces are now Minecraft style where you have to have materials and then pop them in and wait for them to smelt (same with cooking) instead of just going through the same crafting interface like in Terraria, which just slows everything down.
[12/5/2013 8:45:32 PM] Vipershark: the mouse cursor isnt accurate at all and it's a lot harder to dig one block at a time now
[12/5/2013 8:45:45 PM] Vipershark: conversely, you can now dig two or four blocks at the same time but i'd much rather be able to dig where i'm actually pointing
[12/5/2013 8:45:58 PM] Vipershark: i hope the cursor accuracy is just due to it being beta
I know this game is still in beta and all, but a lot of the changes they've made seem like changes for the worst that make the whole game go a lot slower and play a lot less intuitively.
Just played the game for a little while
It's not bad, but like Viper pointed out, the current UI and some of the overall design choices are strange and at worse a nuisance
I will say that I really appreciate the fact that I can zoom the resolution in by up to 4x zoom, makes squinting my eyes just to see what
I'm aiming at a lot less of a hassle
I also like that the cursor is clearly defined in this, Terraria's cursor (at least for me) would constantly get lost in the background, and
id have no idea where i was pointing half of the time. I'm glad they remedied this in Starbound. You'd think by this time in technology,
developers would have the sense to program cursors in programs that users can actually see by default; At they got it right here
As far as actual gameplay, this seems to be as much of a carbon-copy of Terraria as a Sci-Fi centric version of Terraria can be.
If you like Terraria, you'll most likely like this game too
And Hell, 15 bucks is pretty cheap, considering you get to play it all through beta stages right through finished product; I personally love
being privy to the part of the progress a game is making during development
I don't know if you know this but you can change the cursor color in Terraria to anything you want if you can't see it.
That being said, I found out that you actually CAN dig block one at a time!
...if you hold down shift while digging.
Otherwise you sort of dig in a big square in the general area around your cursor which makes digging a real hassle.
I wish they left the default digging method as 1x1 because holding shift gets old fast.
Have you guys tried multiplayer yet? I guess I should debrief it here.
First of all, getting multiplayer to work on this is more of a bitch than it was with any other game in this category, since portfowarding is required. Hamachi didn't work with the native install either, and even after forwarding ports, it still didn't work with Hamachi; the hoster has to give out their public ip address.
So after going through all that tediousness...you finally get on the server with your friend(s), and by default, everyone spawns on their own ship, next to their own planet. You have to add someone to your party (or vice versa) for them to appear on the left on the HUD. If you click their head, you can warp to their ship, and then beam down to their planet.
One thing that bothers me...unlike Terraria, where being in the same party gets you distance markers, instead, you get a TINY, and I mean TINY compass to which direction that player is in, located in that small circle on the bottom left of their HUD box. That small red line that looks like a - ? THAT's the compass! It'll either point left or right; I haven't seen it point any other direction.
As for non-multiplayer findings...
Getting used to the building took a while. I noticed it's Minecraft style Line of Sight building, as I call it. Unlike Terraria where you can build behind walls as long as it's within range, you have to destroy any solids in Starbound that are in your line of sight of building to the position you want.
Crafting pickaxes/axes makes grabbing those materials much faster than the Matter Manipulator, and upgrading the tool requires the previous tool, i.e you have to make a Stone Pickaxe before you can make a Copper Pickaxe. I'm not sure how I feel about it...doesn't seem like a bad idea, but also makes it so even if you have all the other materials for a good pickaxe, you can't craft it without the one from a level down.
I believe we found out that the planets loop. So if you keep going to the right, you should come across your house again.