I was wondering, if I wanted to rip maps from Earthbound for the Super NES, what program should I use? How should I do it?
Sorry if this is a stupid and/or obvious question. I'm new around here.

Since I do not think there is a map viewer built into any NES emulators, you could use YY-CHR, Tile Molester, Tile Layer Pro....anything that will let you view game tiles.
Alright. Thank you very much!

Actually, the SNES emulator ZSNES has a means of toggling visible layers on and off, allowing one to see just certain background tiles; then you can just screenshot-capture or what have you to get just those tiles.
Wait, was Earthbound remade for the SNES?
I thought it was only NES...
Earthbound maps:
Most video game maps are simply made by assembling screenshots into one large image. There are a variety of tools you can use if you don't like that method, like John2k4 mentioned, but most of these are difficult to learn and all the good ones are game specific.
(02-20-2012, 11:05 PM)John2k4 Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, was Earthbound remade for the SNES?
I thought it was only NES...
Earthbound is a SNES game. You assumed the OP was talking about Earthbound Zero, the NES game, god knows why.
He doesn't know as much about the games as us.
Thank you so much! I found the map that I was looking for (Lilliputian Steps) in the link that tropicon posted.
And yeah, I was wondering why the screenshot of file molester had eb0 enemies in it, but don't worry, it's an easy mistake.