I would like to have the models from Planet 51 ripped because my 3dripperdx will not be able to inject to dolphin and it forces the program to shutdown. Could someone rip the models of characters like Lem, Peggie Sue, Skiff, Voorde and all others in the game.
Did you check the filesystem of the Wii/Gamecube disc to see what format the files are in? You might not need to use 3DRipper if they are in a format someone's seen before...
(02-21-2012, 08:14 PM)John2k4 Wrote: [ -> ]Did you check the filesystem of the Wii/Gamecube disc to see what format the files are in? You might not need to use 3DRipper if they are in a format someone's seen before...
They are in zrs format or archive. I have to get a thing to decompress them before converting to any regular model format and i also need to extract textures to but i may need a program that may force them to be converted so i can use those for different games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl so i can share those import model hacks with the brawlbox i have.
If you could extract one of those ZRS files & upload it, I can run it through a variety of decompressors and see if anything can be read.
I can extract from the iso disc using dolphin but could you make a zrs and s3t decompressor and give me a link to those decompressors so that i can get the model and the texture to the character please?
(02-21-2012, 08:30 PM)Brandondorf9999 Wrote: [ -> ]I can extract from the iso disc using dolphin but could you make a zrs and s3t decompressor and give me a link to those decompressors so that i can get the model and the texture to the character please?
Erm...I'd love to be able to just make a decompressor that fast, but that's not possible.
I was going to try running the file through NTCompress, Noesis, and U8Tool. I know that NTCompress is a part of the Revolution SDK, so I can't upload & post it. If you can find U8Tool & Noesis, you can try running it through those.
Well could you show me how to do it with a youtube video so that i can understand better?
(02-21-2012, 08:49 PM)Brandondorf9999 Wrote: [ -> ]Well could you show me how to do it with a youtube video so that i can understand better?
I'll see what I can do.

Make sure you tell me if you got it?
He will, he needs time to do it.
Can someone post them because this forum is about to go dead so it must be posted on any day before this post dies.
Oh and could you upload all the character models and textures please so that i can see and use them?
O.o this is the cartoony film we're talking about rigth?
Um... I don't have the models; I thought this was about helping you extract them.