Oh I never meant that you would have to read about it, I was just saying that if there is a need for people to understand ehy he stands like that i.e., character background bios, then he has one prepared, otherwise,
(04-06-2012, 09:51 PM)Sir Zadaben Wrote: [ -> ]I will explain if you want me to, but otherwise it isnt particulairily important.
If it doesn't matter then I'm not going to try to force anybody to read anything. I kind of agree with you about my animating skills, but I'll would like to try it out before giving up and doing something easy. I will probably rely somewhat on motion blurs to cut down on frames. As for readability, the backgrounds are going to be lightened by a special program, I am pretty sure I read that somewhere, and when I put him against any solid color in the pallate, only the dark brown made his limbs difficult to make out. This shoudnt be a problem after it is lightened by the program. His "charisma is just accentuated by his stance, which actually lends itself several possibilities. I beieve I mentioned having three primary ideas for a moveset, those three are the acrobat one (Which I have more or less decided on, there is still room for change, as I havent started on his attacks yet, and probably wont for a while, as I have to finish Action's little blue fellow's entrance/exit animation after I finish my idle) Anyhow, the other two are a strategy centered around shocking attacks and projectiles, and the other is direct ranged attacks based off of his stretchyness. If you guys really think that he shouldn't have that stance, then if people continue to suggest a change in pose, I am willing to comply, provided they have reead why it is as it is.

Also, you mentioned the first portion of my name in what I gather to be a sarcastic manner, presumably because it sounds pompous, the only reason that it is there is becuase I made my first account, forgot about it, and when I tried to log back in it wouldnt let me, I may haave changed the password at some point and forgotten, I dont believe I even registered it. So I made a new one, and added "Sir" so that I could retain my name as it was, and I didnt like the sound of Mr. Zadaben. I didnt mean to apply any sort of title to myself. If you didnt mean that, it's totally fine, sometimes people sound angry online without meaning to, and it's no big deal in any circumstances anyways.
Sorry for the really long posts, I am trying to be concise, but I'm super tired, and am not able to shorten myself as usual.