You animate pretty well, you should join if you have time.

It might take a while for me to get back on my feet, I have to re-learn how to draw with a mosue, and my computer time wll be more limited due to having to share the computer now...
Also I lost the kick I was workig on. Also, the paint is really primitive on this one in comparison.
I was actually contemplating on it for a while, but it'd help to see an example sheet that's finished because some of the commands I don't quite understand fully. Well, a couple of them.
I'll try to think about it more, though. I don't think it could do any harm to try something, I suppose. Besides all the cool kids are doing it
(04-11-2012, 06:16 PM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: cvQyo.gif]](
That is beautiful, thanks man. Also, that tutorial is very helpful, especially for someone not used to working with a more limited frame count style.
its all about optimization. both in color, desing and framerate.
the whole project can certainly leave a good thing on those who a willing to finish their sheets.
To show that I'm actually making an effort in learning motion blurs and effective animating, I've decided to redo my default punches.
Not perfect but I think it's a step in the right direction.
very good!
more range can be achieved if you place chaoxys more to the left of the box (so it gives more space on the right side).
Alright. For the sake of keeping things even, I'll probably move all the sprites to be aligned with the disco animation you made.
to be honest, the alignment doesn't need to be the same for all animations; each animation can have their own alignment. I made it this way because the alignment that works in one animation may not work in another. The important is to make the sprites fit in 64x64 boxes.
Here we go. Added a reasonable amount of reach without going overboard.
![[Image: 2dh8hvn.jpg]](
What's up with his head leaning back in that frame when he throws the second punch? It breaks the continuity in the animation by going in the opposite direction to the attack.
just imagine that there's a person there that he's grabbing
Distance grabbing...nice idea!
Also Im loving that most of his attacks are coming from lesser poltergheists, that is exactly how I would consider a powerful spectral entity attacking (aside from telekinises, shapeshifting limbs, and electricity/darkness

I am not going to work any frther until I am sure that my stuff is lost, and am waiting for my Dad to come home so I can get permission to try to recover the data/ fix the laptop (if it is possible to do).
(04-13-2012, 01:52 PM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: [ -> ]What's up with his head leaning back in that frame when he throws the second punch? It breaks the continuity in the animation by going in the opposite direction to the attack.
I was trying to have him leaning back real quick. Shouldn't be hard to fix though.
![[Image: 5bwyo0.jpg]](
Don't feel like looping/uploading it but I've updated it a bit. He now turns more with the second punch (resulting in him looking a bit more towards the screen at the end).
i got tired of how FAT i was, so i thinned myself out a bit.
i'll try to work on my sheet more over the weekend.
I'm thinking an option for my fighter, instead of using fists (since this is going NOWHERE) I was thinking a cross between a gunfighter and a swordsman. Would be easier since no two sword techniques are the same.