Umm, Hi! I'm Mutsukki. I've visited tSR a few couple of times (back when it was hosted on fireball20x or something like that), but haven't really been on the forums. A friend of mine suggested that I should join so here I am! I, uh...I don't really sprite, I did try it some times though, I'm striving to learn some things about it, since I like it! But I'm mostly focusing on my drawings right now. I hope I can share my work and have some fun

I hope you enjoy it here, it can be quite radular!

And I hope you show us your art and who knows, maybe you'll pick up spriting

hello Mutsukki!
I guess you finally grew balls to join the community! Don't worry if you don't really sprite; this might be the Spriters Resource but we like more things than just sprites! Have a nice stay at tSR!
Drawings! Cool!
Hope you enjoy your stay here!

What Gorsal said, you don't need to sprite in order to join us.
Welcome to the community and I hope you enjoy it here.
Wow, thanks for the warm welcome!

I'll try to be active and post stuff when I'm not being lazy as hell! Also, I'm really bad at introducing myself at forums so thanks again

Welcome and I hope you like it here!
nice nichijou icon...
Welcome to TSR, Mutsukki! Please read the rules and enjoy your stay here!
We look forward to helping you with your drawings and hopefully sprites in the future! You seem like a swell person and I think you'll get along fine here!
Even if you don't feel like being creative, we have lots of General Discussion and Gaming Discussion threads where you can share your thoughts and much more. Hope to see you stick around!

What? I don't have to sprite to be here? Why didn't anyone tell me that earlier?!?
(^lame joke^

Hey Mutsukki, welcome to the Resource! Hope you enjoy your time here, and if you do end up trying your hand at spriting don't worry if it doesn't work out the first time round: the folks here are real helpful and give some invaluable tips!