(06-14-2012, 06:36 PM)josh98 Wrote: [ -> ]Yep. Everything is included in the rip. Although I do not know why you do not download it yourself and see...
To preserve disk space....
BTW, How is my cat coming along? Are you sure you fed him? I want to see him as soon as possible!
*sigh* I do not plan to rip Big any time soon. Perhaps after Super Sonic I will rip him.
Update! Check the first post
I know he has been ripped, but this one features the Extreme Gear

Is the new one the Sonic Riders one? If so, why's his hands and feet so big?
If you check the one on the site, it is like that too
And they are so big cause Sega messed up the art style bad for that game. It was really really bad.
(OMG Jetters commented on my models I am so honored

Oh I see! Man, they really are out of whack.
Haha, I'm not anything to be honored about, but thanks, I'm flattered!

Yah :/ In the process of ripping Shadow for the heck of it XD Ripping in T-pose is easy :p The ones on the site appear to be slightly-modified 3D Ripper DX rips.
(But your epic

Yikes, those hands! It's amazing he can move them with those tiny arms.
The model checks out, and has been uploaded.
(07-18-2012, 07:17 PM)josh98 Wrote: [ -> ]...
(OMG Jetters commented on my models I am so honored
I lolled hard right there, oh well, the game itself isnt that great either
I do have an easier request that I'd like to have for a project of mine, would you mind ripping Super Sonic from the Dreamcast for me?
... I decided to rip something that hasn't been done. XD
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa GUN Beetle!! Thank you for that!
And now the GUN Beetle is fixed.

I didn't know how to texture the .DAE..... But I found out. XD