It's okay Perseus, at least you can claim Ike's trophies after these.
And guys, you should all
check out my guide again. I updated it with specifics regarding the .MTLs in BRRES Viewer.
@Perseus: I recommend just using brresviewer to export the OBJs and fixing the MTLs. The MTLs for these trophies don't have texture assignments at all.

Oh, I didn't know that you had to have MTL files in the download pack, I do have all of the MTL files so far. As for the .dae files, I probably won't do them anymore, seeing as I don't know another way to do them. Anyways, here's the updated models.
(03-07-2012, 04:31 PM)Peardian Wrote: [ -> ]@Perseus: I recommend just using brresviewer to export the OBJs and fixing the MTLs. The MTLs for these trophies don't have texture assignments at all. 
Updated earlier post with BV OBJs and MTLs! Hopefully they'll be my first correct submission
(03-07-2012, 05:06 PM)Perseus Wrote: [ -> ]Updated earlier post with BV OBJs and MTLs! Hopefully they'll be my first correct submission 
Almost! You just need to pop the MTLs in notepad and fix the paths. Brresviewer puts "tga" by default, when we need them to be "png".
@Link101: Hmmm. The textures are there, but they don't actually list any textures. Also, the DAEs are the same. It seems you should avoid using Milkshape for these, as it doesn't keep any texture information. Just stick with Brresviewer and Noesis as outlined in the first post, and they will come out fine. Just make sure you fix the texture paths when doing so.
Don't Forget to update the main post to have my Claims :p
it would be ausome if some of the melee trolphies were in this game too.
@Perseus: Also listed in my guide is Notepad ++. I HIGHLY recommend downloading that. It's easy to use and has brilliant features, like REPLACE ALL (CTRL + H)!

Oh, yah. I also Claim the Kritter Trophy.
(03-07-2012, 05:22 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]@Perseus: Also listed in my guide is Notepad ++. I HIGHLY recommend downloading that. It's easy to use and has brilliant features, like REPLACE ALL (CTRL + H)! 
Yeah, I've got Notepad++. I noticed it had a replace all feature BUT I didn't know there was a shortcut, so thanks for that

(I just clicked on the binoculars at the top

And also updated earlier post again for correct MTLs so hopefully they'll be my first accepted submissions!

I'm seconding the Notepad++ suggestion. It's great if you do any sort of programming or web design, as it remembers which files you had open and uses coloring for syntax. I only found out about it last year, and I wish I had found it sooner.
Edit: Oh. I'm slow to post.

BTW, Peardian, you forgot to look at my Diddy

@Perseus: Yep! Great job.

Oop, wait, Tabuu's MTL still says TGA. The rest are fine.
@josh98: Oh, you're right! I knew I missed something.
Yep, Diddy's fine!
I Finished my 3 Claims... I'm too Lazy Too upload them, though :p
Um Perseus if I remember correctly Tabuu has 2 trophy's
(03-07-2012, 03:44 PM)Perseus Wrote: [ -> ] (03-07-2012, 01:50 PM)Peardian Wrote: [ -> ]-Technically, the rip is excellent. However, there's an issue with the model itself. All three of these characters have different facial expressions, which get melded together using the usual method. (I was afraid this would happen to Sonic.) I don't know how to fix it myself, but I know RTB does. Unfortunately, he may have to handle these. You did a great job, though.
Thanks anyway