(03-07-2012, 06:12 PM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]Um Perseus if I remember correctly Tabuu has 2 trophy's
Yes, he does, but one of them is called Tabuu (wings) so they're different trophies
And also what! I remember changing the TGAs on Tabuu!

Maybe I forgot to add it to the Zip folder
@Link101: You're still using Milkshape to export the model. Because of how OBJ and MTL work, they are linked together. It looks for the MTL that was created with the file. Just use brresviewer to Export the model to OBJ. Also, you need to fix the texture paths to say "png" instead of "tga".
@thegameexplorer: You should really fix the other submissions you've put in before moving on to more models. I'll check Eggman in a moment.
I actually did these trophies to test how well the obj's worked... And they are done in like 20 minutes.
(03-07-2012, 07:07 PM)Peardian Wrote: [ -> ]@Link101: You're still using Milkshape to export the model. Because of how OBJ and MTL work, they are linked together. It looks for the MTL that was created with the file. Just use brresviewer to Export the model to OBJ. Also, you need to fix the texture paths to say "png" instead of "tga".
@thegameexplorer: You should really fix the other submissions you've put in before moving on to more models. I'll check Eggman in a moment.
Well, I just had a look
here, and Tabuu (Wings) is definitely a separate trophy from his first one, so they should really be separate like any other trophies.
Well, luckily, all of these trophies are fine. But, before you move on to any more, please go back and fix the ones you've previously posted that had issues.
The two Tabuu trophies are separate models, so they will be separate submissions.
Tomorrow, I'll post the fixed models!
For now I claim some more Zelda models:
Ooccoo & Son
Shadow Beast
Outset Link
Sorry btw didnt read your post first
Anyway I willl finish the models off tomorrow like I promised
You really should finish the others before moving on to new ones, no matter how quickly you may be able to do them. Also, as I've been saying, don't worry about how the model looks. The textures are fine.
EDIT: NVM I read your post...
Doesnt the transparency need to be fixed on these models?
And I also noticed the same eye problem as with the TP models. These must be direct ports from TP.
(03-07-2012, 07:11 PM)Peardian Wrote: [ -> ]Well, luckily, all of these trophies are fine. ....
As I've said several times already, the models are fine. Zant's texture is transparent for some unknown reason, but the color channel is there.
By the way, you claimed Bulblin, but I don't see a link to him in the post.
EDIT: I Read your post X) Nevermind.
So.. the Trophies will be up.. tommorow.
EDIT2: I have nothing better to do XD
Kirby Trophy:
Kritter Trophy:
and the Dread Kong Trophy:
Nice! I'll check them in a moment.
Edit: Nicely done for all of them. Though, for future reference, it's better to use "png" instead of "PNG". Don't worry, you don't have to redo these or anything.
Also, the Great Fox on the site is the proper Great Fox. Great Fox (Assault) looks much different.
By the way, I'm claiming some trophies before it's too late!
-Combo Cannon
-Subspace Gunship
-Dark Cannon
Great to hear, Peardian!
I'll get to converting the other two.