Finally, now that my current pending submissions are no longer pending, I'm gonna claim Toon Link's Effects, Samus' Effects (unless you still want them, Pear) and Marth's Effects since I don't see anyone else doing them.
The reason I haven't done Charizard yet is because I've been busy with the Digimon World DS ripping project on TSR plus doing a few other things like getting into drawing with Photoshop. I also have to find a good time where my cousin is available and not sleeping/doing housework for when I need assistance. Sorry for the delay on that!
(07-15-2012, 10:03 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]Finally, now that my current pending submissions are no longer pending, I'm gonna claim Toon Link's Effects, Samus' Effects (unless you still want them, Pear) and Marth's Effects since I don't see anyone else doing them.
The reason I haven't done Charizard yet is because I've been busy with the Digimon World DS ripping project on TSR plus doing a few other things like getting into drawing with Photoshop. I also have to find a good time where my cousin is available and not sleeping/doing housework for when I need assistance. Sorry for the delay on that!
Now that I think about it, I already have Samus's effects finished.
I hope I am allowed too bump this topic but I wanna claim Mario.

I am a ton better with 3DS MAX now and I think I can do him.
Yay!! I hope you can fix him.

As for me I've been busy with various stuffs so that's why I haven't fixed Kirby's Effects and started Charizard. I'll get to them eventually I swear.

i'm so happy you guys started this back up
now my dream is'nt a fleeting illusion!
all fangirling aside
besides stages
is there anything 3D in this game you guys have'nt ripped!?!
this thread is a testiment to the dedication and teamwork of the models resource site!
Yeah there are some fighters, fighter effects, the items, enemies, bosses, misc. stuff. There's still a LOT to do, the only thing holding us back are the fighters for the most part.
oh thats ausome
more model fodder for me.
oh....uhh...the solid snake fighter model, it's neutral posed right? i tried to rig the trolphie model and it came out bad.
just wondering.
i actually managed to get ahold of a model of Naked Snake from Snake Eater, the body was messed up but the head came out good so i did a head swap with a custom made brawl model.
some games must just be impossible to crack perfectly..
You should be able to use Snake's model just fine since it was exported the same way as the other stuff, with all the bones and rigging.
heh unfortunatly while you might have managed to rip with rigging intact i still have'nt found a way of converting them with rigging intact.....
i had some ff7 models that had their rigging still attatched but in MMD it made it hard to animate with them or pose them, so i ended up deleteing the rigging and redoing it so that it would run better in mmd.
i'm just happy that i learned how to rig bipeds to find lots of biped models!
I kinda forgot once again what exactly needed fixing for the Kirby Effects but I just re-did them all and I checked every export so they better be good this time.

Whaddya think of them, Pear/Roxas/whoever?
Fixed Kirby Effects:
Also josh I'mma go ahead and remind you about Mario, too.

I checked them out, and I've already uploaded the update.
It's a shame to see this project stagnating like this. We should probably move on to the next phase soon, unless we get an updated tutorial so that we can finish Charizard and the rest of the fighters with multiple sets of UVs.
Well, I had been watching tutorial videos about 3DS Max, so technically I probably understand enough to do it, I just haven't. I need to try to attempt it maybe tomorrow.
I also could have done those other effects that I claimed, but again I haven't, mostly because of forgetfulness and trying to finish other things. I'm gonna see if I can do one of those effects tonight, maybe, and if not early tomorrow.
I am going to try to fix Mario now.... wish me luck!
Quick Edit- It's starting to work!!!! Excited!

Wouldn't it be better to just uh.. move on for a bit?
Clearly not enough people have dem skillz to fix those models, which only slows things down...
Me and Peardian were considering that at one time... it's my fault for not getting off my butt and doing Charizard. I probably could have most of the fighters done by now...
Next time I talk to him I will discuss that.