(08-29-2008, 08:34 PM)kyrtuck Wrote: [ -> ]ooh, I remember seeing a commercial for this on Cartoon network. It made me sad 
were you sad over the fact that there will never be a game this good on the wii, the worst system made to date
p.s. picking it up tomorrow if there's any copies left
meh, I dunno, thesong that the commercila was playing had something sad about it. And, uh, what's so bad about the Wii? Seems pretty succesful to me.
Hell yes this game is awesome
so who here got the special costumes with the pre-order?
not me >:
just beat the driving mission that Eva gives you, fuck that tank at the end
edit: game is way more fun that i thought it would be
my homes bought it for PS3, i'm gonna go to his house and leech gameplay off of him
I've played and beaten it already it was AMAZING the fact that you can blow up ANYTHING is great, my favorite airstrike is the M.O.A.B. (Mother Of All Bombs) it is essentially a nuke that you can use when you absolutely have to kill every motherfucker in a 1 mile radius. Also regarding the whole GTA4 and Mercinaries not being on the Wii, that is what you get when you buy a Wii which you should have known would have been all E-T games anyway the most hardcore game Ive seen on it was Resident Evil 4 and that was a leap for the Wii. 360 gets all the good games and yes dare I say PS3 has some good titles too but generlly everything good has been on 360
The game is really fun and in a way I can't wait to play more of it.
I'll probably check this out...although, I'll have to wait to get the 360 back(my brother has it in his dorm...So either Winter Break, or next Summer...)
(08-31-2008, 07:07 PM)Rubbers Wrote: [ -> ]not me >:
just beat the driving mission that Eva gives you, fuck that tank at the end
this is how to get the costumes without the code Gamestop gives you, right?
or is this for something else?
Still, it's pretty badass how Mattias goes metal and how Chris gets the vacation getup
no, to get the costumes that aren't the gamestop code unlocks, beat Fiona's challenges at level 3
also: i was talking about the mission where you recruit Eva and you have to drive that car through the canyon and shit