I know I sound like an ass for saying this, but I think this needs a serious remake. Shyguy's red is too dark, and also contrast, the white on every thing needs more contrast, or more of a shift into a blue. The fire guy shouldn't have any dithering, or really a solid outline for his fire. The chain ball thing looks really out of style. Snifit looks like he needs more detail on his mouth thing, or it need to be bigger. I cant make it out that much, it looks really blurry. Gunner guy's face need to look more like a mask, it looks like your trying to detail it as an actual face. Sting guy needs a solid outline, or more contrast, it looks like it lacks a solid outline, and contrast.
Im sorry for saying this, but i do think this should be remade because you can do so much better now.
Yeah i kinda agree with everything you're saying.
but...remake? it sounds like most of the things you pointed out involve colors and minor edits

Alot of the things also need some reshades, and stuff. like for the god guy's hands looks harp in several places. Bee guy doesent move in the animation, and the wings look kinda flat. Neither does it in the other bee guy. Fat guy looks too much like jelly :X. Like the animation is unnatural imo. I also cant tell whats going on with alot of your outlines, it looks like you have alot of black outline on the top, and it gets lighter near the bottom. Bandit's clothes get really sharp when he lifts his hand up. General guys hat looks kinda screwed up :X
I probably should have put this in my first post, my bad.
It's actually called "Stretch Guy" not "Tall Guy", but good anyway.
Your Pyro Guy rocks hard!
(08-28-2008, 12:21 PM)Cshad Wrote: [ -> ]I know I sound like an ass for saying this, but I think this needs a serious remake. Shyguy's red is too dark, and also contrast, the white on every thing needs more contrast, or more of a shift into a blue. The fire guy shouldn't have any dithering, or really a solid outline for his fire. The chain ball thing looks really out of style. Snifit looks like he needs more detail on his mouth thing, or it need to be bigger. I cant make it out that much, it looks really blurry. Gunner guy's face need to look more like a mask, it looks like your trying to detail it as an actual face. Sting guy needs a solid outline, or more contrast, it looks like it lacks a solid outline, and contrast.
Im sorry for saying this, but i do think this should be remade because you can do so much better now.
I think it looks fine.
made some changes...mostly color and some of what cshad pointed out :0
-up'd contrast and made changes on various palettes (white, red, pink, green, purple)
-added bluish hue to white palette
-edited snifit mouth thing
-darkened some outlines (i.e. sting guy)
i'll get more done later...gotta go for now :>
Looking awesome.
Chill guy needs some sort of solid outline.
2 crits from me.
1. The yellow palette doesn't look too good. Try fading it out to brown through orange.
2. The dithering spoils it.
Otherwise, not bad.
It looks kinda better now, but I still don't like it at all, you know what, I think colors are pretty boring (at least most of them), they need a bit more of contrast and more hue shift-ness :l srsly they'll make the sheet much more interesting, nicer , etc...
And the General guy tank/car/kart needs to be redone...
worked on BAB's crits...didn't find a whole lot of dithering to fix. like only a couple sprites :x
i think i kinda rushed the yellow palette. not satisfied with it yet. but im too tired right now -.-
I'm still not totally satisfied with the palettes either. But that's the thing...there's hue shiftin, contrast and all that good stuff, but the colors are still not visually pleasing. Eh...it's just something i need practice at... x_x
thanks for the comments and crit btw :>
EDIT: oh and i tried multiple times to give chill guy a solid outline (even before you mentioned it) and it turns out crappish every time. idk >_>
8-bit shyguy has got too many colors.
I played around with the reds some more...
gave it kinda a more blue-ish purplish hue this time. i think it looks better...and calmer :>