Do you think that Earth is a boring name? You can rename it here. I personally would keep Earth as a name intact with the addition of a designation showing the position of our planet. That would certainly be a handy system in an intergalactic community.
Nobody can argue with these seven syllables of awesomeness.
I say Orth is a good name.
(03-22-2012, 10:41 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]garbage
It's your sunny outlook on life I love most about you Tyvon!
I'm not sure about renaming our planet, it's one of the things that has been engrained into us since we were small, we associate the thing with the word to such an extent that nothing would ever feel like it fit the same way.
How about Ex-Earth because I'm gonna blow it up??

It's also had the name Earth for a fairly long time.
It's not like renaming your network... And even that is a tough decision to make.
I like Earth. It has a round sound to it.
Isn't Earth, like
not the name of the planet in other languages? Like, i thought "Earth" was just an english speaking thing.
The """official name""" is Terra-something, i think
Well, Terra is literally Earth in portuguese, as in, we also use terra as a word for soil.
I was going to say that the japanese word for Earth has no relation, but it basically means "earth ball"
Funny how we use "Terra" and not "Aqua" for a planet covered mostly by water....
(03-22-2012, 11:44 AM)Mutsukki Wrote: [ -> ]Well, Terra is literally Earth in portuguese, as in, we also use terra as a word for soil.
I was going to say that the japanese word for Earth has no relation, but it basically means "earth ball"
Yeah, the same applies in english (Earth being another word for soil)
But like, what if you went on another planet
Are you suddenly digging in the mars? :p
(03-22-2012, 11:59 AM)Sengir Wrote: [ -> ]Funny how we use "Terra" and not "Aqua" for a planet covered mostly by water....
Well we don't live in the water; the land is what we tend to see a lot more of.
I guess we could call it Unicron.
I think I'm ready to live on planet Dingus for awhile
cast your votes everyone
I think that the name 'Earth' is an association of sorts, like the 'color orange' and the 'fruit orange'. Since the fruit orange has that peculiar color, its meaning extended to the color itself. So, it may be either the 'earth ground' that originated the name 'Earth planet' or vice-versa.