hey guys,
I'm Chibi and Random in many places, but you can call me Chibi,Random, Pie whatever floats your boat
I kinda stumbled here and decided to join, so hi

I like to sprite,draw and write but I'm not very good at those (especially at the former ... )
Hey Pie, welcome to the Resource! A lot of people say they're hopeless at spriting and end up being real good, so no worries. I myself came here without a clue and now I'm spriting (sprite ripping, actually) every day
By the way, I like pie. The savoury kind, particularly mince and cheese , not that weird fruit variety. If I'm gonna have a fruity pastry I'd prefer a danish roll.
(And apple pie doesn't count. For me it's either called apple cake/tart, or "those fried thingies with apple in the middle from McDonald's".)
Welcome to TSR, whatever floats your boat!

Heya pie! Nice to meet ya! Enjoy!

Hello, "Whatever floats your boat", Welcome to TSR, please read the rules and enjoy your stay!

@Puggsoy: You hate fruit pies?!? I am sorry for you, you're missing out.
Hey there! Enjoy your stay.
For a while I was just a member on and off here, but as of late I've stayed for probably the longest amount of time out of the other times I've been logged in here thus far. But, um, yeah.
Don't worry so much about that; just be humble and make sure you can take critiquing maturely. People here tend to put things in a very straight-foward manner without any (or very much) sugar-coating, but they mean no harm by it.