The Electroplankton link isn't there

Electroplankton is the name of the game

You should make new posts instead of editing, so that we and the Mods can see that you posted something new

But anyway, nice rips keep it up!
Just a suggestion, but you should consider ripping sounds from Pokemon RSE. I know those would be really convenient to have.
But whatever floats your boat.
I'll try, but ripping sound from a gba game is a lot more complicated so no promises

Well their are several ways to get sounds from gba games and none too convenient.
The obvious way by disabling sound channels and record.
The better quality way is to extract the sound from the rom but their isn't a definite way to do that that I know of.
I tried Sappy but it mostly gives music and not the sounds themselves.
For some roms you can import raw data into Audacity and just pick out the sounds but for RSE the sounds are too distorted.
As for a ds game you can simply extract the sound_data.sdat and all the sounds are inside and can be easily read and extracted.
I could probably get the sounds from Black and White or Diamond and Pearl instead
Ah, I see. So that's why I had never seen them around. XD
Well, whatever is cool with you then!
I noticed this game has a section with no sounds
Pokemon Dash (DS)
(04-06-2012, 02:40 PM)Ploaj Wrote: [ -> ]I noticed this game has a section with no sounds
Pokemon Dash (DS)
That's because I uploaded all the sounds from this game in one pack but then realized that the music samples were mixed in so I had to delete them.
That's when I lost my inspiration for DS sound ripping when I found I couldn't just pull everything out and throw it in a .ZIP. I was so excited, I was downloading ROMs for various games right and left.

I need to quit losing motivation every time I discover that something isn't as easy as I anticipate and have to put some real, actual effort into to make it happen... That's called laziness...
Anyway I'm glad you're accomplishing what I failed to! I'll get all these up as soon as I can.
EDIT: Oh and also, can you tell me what category the Electroplankton SFX should go under? Just "General Sound Effects"?
Yea just put them in General Sound Effects that will be fine
Since I discovered how to rip nds sounds I've been a bit rip happy :p
So their are no sounds for all the sections that show no sounds? I wanted to get voices from Mario and Luigi Partners in Time.
Also I wanted a reason to use this
Shrek - Smash n Crash Racing (DS)