This idea for a thread just came to me.
Anyways, what inspired your current username (or most commonly used one; or hell, list them all off if you want)? A favorite of some sort? A persona / fan character / original character? Etc?
My username, Speed-X, I got from a Sonic fancharacter of mine from WAY back when. She was originally a Chao, but I gave her a Sonic-character-esqued form.
SpeedXaaa was just my AOL username and it stuck. Like, it totally stuck with me.
Jirachi_the_Chao is my alias in some places such as DeviantART, but not very many. At the time my favorite Pokemon was Jirachi, I love Chao, and at the time I was really into combining Chao and Pokemon, so yeah.
What about you guys? Let's hear it!
jap for mercury
i go with "mercury" in different languages in different forums/sites but suigin is my main
I made a doodle of a robot, which I instantly fell in love with. However the name ravenboy9 wouldn't fit, and I wanted to keep the initials rb9, robo9 seemed the best choice.
The name ravenboy9 involves the Teen Titans and being nine years old at the time
My name came from Drako, a character from the 2003 TMNT series ( in which I still rant about his death to this day like a angry fangirl ) and my most favorite fictional character and Cat simply came from the species, which for years I loved cats ( even though I never owned one )
Drakonekoshi is the same, just that cat is turned to Neko, Japanese for Cat, the Shi was just added for originality lol.
Artemus + Brock.
hurr durr
I made a terrible street fighter video in which I was a fighter called Flannel Bastard, and wore a lot of flannel. So now I just keep bastard and rotate the first word to other fabrics and words.
Here's the video actually.
Sploder came from a random name I randomly picked when I signed up at Pixeltendo thinking "meh I'll probably never be active at all."
Kiti is the name of my ref character.
Combine them both.
oh boy, here we go again.
back when i was 6 or 7, i got really into spriting. and by spriting, i mean recoloring. all i knew at the time was how much i loved Luigi and thought he was the best character, so my first "original the character do not steal" was Luigi with sky blue cap and shirt; recolored from M&L sprites, of course.
my first real online name was crazyboutluigi. a few years down the road, i was embarrassed by the name, so i shortened it to CBLuigi. sometime in late 2008, i was looking back through my old sprites, both edits and customs, and i made the joke that CBL could be short for Crappy Blue Luigi, referring to my recolors.
at the time, i was part of a forum called, based on a throwaway line from Super Paper Mario. that forum also allowed for name changes--though they had to be approved first (i.e. you give good reasoning and show that you're really sure you want the name)--so i got the bright idea to change my name to Crappy Blue Luigi.
so i did! and then i based everything i did around my blue luigi persona. now i'm here, typing about what is quite possibly the dumbest backstory i've ever had to repeat on multiple occasions.
a rushing feeling of accomplishment flows through me.
*Pushes Koopaul out of rocking chair, pulls out a book and blows dust off
It all started back in Prussia, when the German Confederation decided to start the "Germanization" of the Province of Posen. Jacob Senger, a Gunsmith from Vienna, was moved to Wagrowiec where married a Polish woman and had a son. Like many Poles at the time, Stephen was good at saving money. In fact, he saved so much money that he, his wife and his children were able to move to America. When they arrived in Duluth Stephen thought "Senger" sounded too Jewish and would attract trouble from the anti-Semitic types, so he took the name "Singer". Unfortunately the immigration services people accidentally recorded it as "Sengir" and the name stuck. Many years later I was born and decided it'd be a neat idea to use my last name as a username on the 'Net.
Yes, that means my surname is typo...
Quote:gordo means fat
sal means salt
im fat
I used to be just "K", but then I died.
Originally WAY back when I was around 9 I made an account on the Pokémon website serebiiforums under the name "the 3 starters." The name, as you might guess, came from the fact that there were 3 starter Pokémon to choose from in the games.
Anyways, I eventually stopped going to the website, and in 2006 I went back to the site only to find that my account had been deleted. I eventually came up with "redblueyellow" because of the first 3 U.S. Pokemon games, which I have since stuck with. Needless to say I was a bit of a fan.
Although it's technically based off of that, I generally like to think that my username is from the three primary colors.

Quote:So, in 2003, when I was 12 years old, I signed up on the Cheatingdome Forums. However, I needed a username. I tried using names such as Ultima Zero (we'll talk more about that later) but they couldn't be used. It just so happened that I was watching an episode of the Disney show, Recess while I was signing up. The main characters in the show were playing kickball, and their team was called the Vipersharks. I liked the name, so I stuck with it. Thus, Vipershark was born.
Quote:During my time at TPL I also co-adminned another forum called BE HORIFIED. It was pretty much a videogame discussion board. It was about this time that I started using AIM. The username Vipershark was taken, and I was at a loss for a name. I put in Ultima Zero, and it was taken. One of the name suggestions for it was Ultimzer, so I picked that and it stuck. Also during this time I started using Myspace during ninth grade. I used it for about a year and then saw how stupid it was and quit.
Remember that old NES pirate game called Somari(starring a Mario/Sonic fusion)? Well, when I was starting to sprite, I browsed The Shyguy Kingdom's custom section and found a Sonic sheet, edited to look like Mario. At the time I thought it would be hilarous if someone made a fusion sprite with Sonic and Link. So...yep...
You can see that (ugly) sprite on this old sheet(my first on TSR actually!):
A and J are my first two initials. As for the Nitro part? My friend just thought it sounded cool with that as part of the name. I was pretty much just trying to come up with name I could use back when I used MSN.