Can anyone please help me figure out how to read GameCube disks on a computer? PLEASE! I have soooo many of my favorite games for GC, and my GameCube got busted! I've heard of people who know a type of software or DVD driver that can rip a GC disk. Please help me. Give me as much info as possible!
hope this helps, I wouldn't recommend emulating them unless you have a good gaming PC (since dolphin emulating tends to lag if your PC isn't jacked at all) so it's ether that or try finding a new gamecube.
Thanks for the help! Really appreciate it!
Wouldn't it be better to dump the ISO using the Wii console?
(04-15-2012, 01:26 PM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]Wouldn't it be better to dump the ISO using the Wii console?
He may not have a Wii.
(04-15-2012, 01:26 PM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]Wouldn't it be better to dump the ISO using the Wii console?
I don't have a wii.
According to some resources, a pc seems to be unable to read the Gamecube mini-disks because they are encrypted. So, you'll need a Wii to dump them.
My friend is a pro hacker, and he said that there should be some CD drivers out there that can read the disks. Some DVD drive brands such as Phillips can read these disks. But their so damn hard to find...
Gamecube is cheap as hell, why don't you get one from ebay?
Checking google brought this up:
It looks like it's -possible-, but you have to have a DVD drive that supports it.
Honestly, it'd be much easier to just get another gamecube (or buy a wii since it seems that the price would be pretty much the same by how you described it)
Even if you could get the discs to work, there's the whole problem of your computer having to be powerful enough to run them in the first place.
I'm pretty sure that a computer that can play Sonic Generations, Splinter Cell and Prototype perfectly can emulate GC game well.
I'm pretty sure that a computer that can play Sonic Generations, Splinter Cell and Prototype perfectly can emulate GC game well.
Not necessarily, Gamecube games can be quite heavy even if you have a decent videocard. You can't compare it with a heavy pc game. Emulation is for more heavier than any pc game atm. It also depends on resolution, graphical enhancements etc.
Oh, and don't frickin' double post!
[Mod Note:] He didn't mean to double post. Sometimes the posting gets a bit buggy and you can't tell if your post processed properly. As long as a separate post isn't created, it's not a big deal.
I've played SA2 emulated using Dolphin on an Intel i7 prossesor with highest resolution of 1366x768 with a graphic card equal to that of the Sonic Generations recommended requirements perfectly. Maybe it depends on RAM size?
You can probably run it just fine then.
As I said before, you have to have a dvd drive that supports it, though.
Thanks for the info guys... Really

! I couldn't have found out about all this without you guys. Thanks again!:p
Thanks for the info guys... Really

! I couldn't have found out about all this without you guys. Thanks again!:p