oh my god
if meta isn't bowser then nothing is right in the world
(04-19-2012, 10:36 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]Is it bad that I thought of something else when I read this?
Depends on what you thought :3
Either way, to my standards there probably is hardly anything bad you could think, my dear.
As usual, your sprites are adorable and neat, Gors.
Although I don't want to know what you guys do in that chat all the time... c:
there is not a lot of visual progress here , but I've been sketching a lot of gameplay elements. will update this soon
Can Iceman be the Koopa Paratroopa (the wings on his hat) or some other flying enemy?
(04-20-2012, 12:28 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]Although I don't want to know what you guys do in that chat all the time... c:
No! It's not what you think! Sengi~'s not that kind of girl!
she's nopt even a girl to begin with.
If Meta is Bowser, then I want to be Donkey Kong >.<, which means I'll need an image of my actual persona...
I love this idea, I love the sprites. Gors, and those who helped you come up with this, despite it starting as a joke, should come to fulmination.
In other words,
DO IT, I'll help where I can

(04-21-2012, 08:26 AM)Bearded_Beast Wrote: [ -> ]If Meta is Bowser, then I want to be Donkey Kong >.<,
But that's what Koopaul's for...
What about Bearded being a Hammer Bro?
Doesn't the change between normal and powered up seem rather... small?
I mean, the differences don't stand out that well. I'd think it would be very easy to miss whether you are powered up or not if you weren't paying attention for a moment. Or if you just paused the game for a while and forgot because your short-term memory is really bad.