My kingdom for a boss theme.
If I could quintuple thank......
Ploaj this is radular as all radularness!
Ploaj... I don't even know what to say...
It's a mix between "wow, this is freaking amazing" and "what on earth possessed you to do this"
if you move when you jump it could end up in blurring the sprite
The blurring has something to do with preventing tearing it doesn't happen in the original non-html game.
So Arisa do I have permission to work on the Engine?

There are a couple of issues with that engine, but I'm sure you could smooth them out given time.
I also managed to jump through the platform in the second area
But looks cool

Uh, it automatically updated on the site when I saved

Not sure that's a good thing
But yea, it needs some touching up in several places (especially the floating platforms) but all can be fixed

Also I don't really know how the game was supposed to play so for now I just kinda made it like Mario.
well, it IS a Mario game, in a way, heh
i'll try making more tiles and props so you won't be using minecraft blocks as ground tiles, heh
(04-25-2012, 02:32 AM)Ploaj Wrote: [ -> ]The blurring has something to do with preventing tearing it doesn't happen in the original non-html game.
So Arisa do I have permission to work on the Engine? 
forgot to add, sure! I'll send you some PMs asap.
I knew someone was going to do this...
And since your making a game now, shouldn't this thread move to game developtment section?
from the demo (which i assume isnt final regarding things like physics), when it comes to physics in smw, the player gradually speeds up to the max walking/running speed (which doesnt matter to me if it goes from standstill to walking max speed or not) but i noticed one thing that bugged me in the demo thing was that the player stopped instantly regardless of whether they were in the air or on ground, which in smw and more or less every 2d mario game the player only slowed down while on the ground unless influenced by something else
although it looks neat
i want to be an enemy that has monkey arms
gors should know what im referring to
The layer doesn't stop instantly they just slow down reeeaaally fast.
I can make them gradually speed up no problem
I just never actually played much of SMW so thanks for pointing that out
So I think it's ready for another test.
Still some rough patches but they can be worked out over time.
Play the game
note: The minecraft block's physics aren't done yet and you can only pick it up from the top
Also if you haven't noticed the bricks are a placeholder for a ladder
The HTML version causes some weird glitches so you can download the exe