Hey guys, I'm Cobalt. Some of you know me already (namely Gors, Tuna and Rags. I am not quite sure what name the latter two are known as in here, so eh).
So yeah, I am a spriter (and perhaps future programmer; my programming knowledge right now is shitty though), like games, with favourites being Dark Souls, SMT: Nocturne and Vanquish, enjoy Kamen Rider and uuuh, I think that's it! I hope to get along with the community!
yeah bro, have a nice stay at tsr! be sure to read the rules and continue being awesome~
Heyo! Welcome to the Resource Community, have fun and stay blue!
(04-22-2012, 11:40 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]Heyo! Welcome to the Resource Community, have fun and stay blue!
Green is better, everyone knows that.
I think you'll enjoy your stay at tSR more if you become green
Heeey, welcome to TSR, Cobalt! Please enjoy your stay here!
Any friend of Gorsal is a friend of ours.

Fancy meeting you here. Nice to see a fellow face from Sprites Inc.
Welcome to the Resource, Cobalt! Enjoy your time here, or else
If you need help or assistance with your programming ventures, don't be afraid to ask. A lot of people here are avid coders, I myself am pretty experienced in ActionScript 3.0 (Flash's scripting language), and am making my first game.
Just wondering, do you rip sprites or make customs? (The word "spriter" can mean either, for me at least.)
puggsoy, spriter MAKES sprites,
ripper RIPS them. hth
Welcome to tSR community Cobalt! I'm pretty sure you'll love it here (I certainly do!). Don't be afraid to ask for any help on what you do. Most of the community will help as much as they can. You're going to have a blast!

(04-22-2012, 01:20 PM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]puggsoy, spriter MAKES sprites,
ripper RIPS them. hth
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I'll stop calling myself a spriter then

(04-22-2012, 11:45 AM)Phantom K Wrote: [ -> ] (04-22-2012, 11:40 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]Heyo! Welcome to the Resource Community, have fun and stay blue!
Green is better, everyone knows that.
I think you'll enjoy your stay at tSR more if you become green
no actually everyone's already green here (gors, sploder, pk, c2b, etc)
there a few blues too though (metaru, iceman404, robo9, etc)
try orange maybe
also hi cobalt