Finally finished Ripping these from the My desktop Pony download, just need to organize them now
A link and two pic attempts in case one is broken
They look like they're 2x the size they're supposed to be.
I thought that but no that's the actual size the program uses, I used a gif decompiler to separate them.
I'm unsure about this, but GIF decompilers might lose quality or something. I'd personally use GIMP or Photoshop, where each frame is a layer.
I think you need permission of the people that made them and you can shrink it by half as that is the sprites correct resolution.
Yeah, these aren't from a game or anything, they're fanmade sprites... Definitely need permission.
good point, i forgot to ask for permission first....looks like i got some e-mailing to do xP
Correct resolution.
(04-23-2012, 01:55 PM)ash_3k5 Wrote: [ -> ]Finally finished Ripping these from the My desktop Pony download, just need to organize them now
A link and two pic attempts in case one is broken
Also thanks Davias!
I cant understand it so explain it plz.

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