i'm new here and have been trying my hand in spriting for awhile and wanted to get some opinions on my work so if you would take the time and look at what i have at this website
http://plasmakirby.imgur.com/all/ and tell me what you think that would be great note this is not all i have i just wanted to first get some opinions on these first.some are not finished yet
Quote:plasmakirby's images are not publicly available.
sorry about that i think i fixed it now.
why dont you like, post them here then?
please post them using this code:
[img]direct link of the image[/img]
placing a link to your album is annoying to the viewer, and it resizes the pics, making them pretty much unusable or impossible to give C+C.
Where to start...
Honestly, I think it might help if you removed all the shading from ALL of them... and focus on smoothing out the outlines first, which range from really blockly (Like in the noddy) to jagged and deformed (most of them actually).
Also, MSPaint's circle tool doesn't actually make very good circles, so you might want to either make circles by hand or fix the ones you already have. Same goes for the line tool on most angles.
Kirby characters are rather simple so you should be able to get them to look right pre-shading.
(also the one on the star is mirrored)
Note: The hit transformed scarfy sprite makes me crack a smile
i will fix those jagged lines and blocky shapes because i don't know what i was thinking when i made that noddy and the one that really bugs me chip and most of those circles were made by hand so thats my fault.also i know this might be a stupid question but can i put back grounds up here too or no.the transformed scarfy made me smile too i don't know if thats a good thing or not.
Many are also pillow shaded and have very low contrast.
Be sure to check the spriting dictionary stickied in this forum for some valuable information.

I think these are some cool custom Kirby sprites. Just don't use the MS paint circle tool. Instead, turn on grid lines and make a very presise circle yourself for kirby's base structure. Oh, and don't out line the circle in black. Try to make the outline blend in with the shading using a darker variant of the colors you used (like in the original games). Overall, good job!

Please don't ignore the criticisms people have given in this thread. It does you no favours and will not help you improve, nor will it get people to praise your sprites without good reason.
what do you mean i wasn't ignoring anyone.
(04-25-2012, 04:23 PM)plasmakirby Wrote: [ -> ]what do you mean i wasn't ignoring anyone.
That's not
quite what he meant. Usually we'd like to see you attempt to try something suggested and to show the results of said attempt, regardless of whether or not it ended up working or having good results. That way we might be able to tell you or show you why its not having results. It also helps to show us you're willing to take advice, which helps calm some of nerves around here.
Oh and since it wasn't answered yet, backgrounds are fine to post here as well.
But seriously, showing your trying some of the advice given works a lot better than saying it. At least until we've have the impression that yes your putting the advice to use in the background. THAT will come with time around here.
oh i'm sorry but i'm fixing them i just don't have anything yet to show the last thing i want to do is make a bad first impression i'm working on making kirby's sprite a little more circular and respriting noddy and chip but there is one thing i don't understand what mighty jetters said about most being pillow shaded the only ones i see that are glunk and kabu but thats how the original look.