With so many video games out there, there are many consoles. For a favorite game, there's a favorite console right? I thought it would be interesting to know what your favorite consoles are.
My favorite console is the PC. I like it because (if it's powerful enough) it can play most games for most consoles out there via emulation. Recent games for it turn out to be beautiful and fun.
PC for sure. Customizable hardware, not restricted to a single control method, you can multitask (e.g. chat) while gaming, game patches, among countless other things. I think it would also be the record holder for the longest line of backwards compatibility.
My favourite game is on Genesis, which isn't on this list, but even if it was it wouldn't be my favourite console. A person's opinion on a console does not reply solely on the games on it.
Come on Meta! Tell us your favorite console.

Gamecube 4 ever. TLOZ: Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Mario Kart Double Dash, Super Mario Sunshine, Beyond good and evil (very underrated game, mainly because there wasn't any adverts about it.) What else do you want?
As I look better at the title now, I'm going to choose PC is first, and the Wii as second because it has some badass games which you don't have on the PS360 like Madworld, TLOZ Skyward Sword, Sonic Colors, Sonic Unleashed (Wii)....
Sonic Unleashed for the Wii is a "GOTTA GO FAST GAME" but honestly, you werent that fast at all, like you could still enjoy the beautiful environments and shortcuts were far easily to get then in Sonic Unleashed (PS360) Or Generations.
(05-03-2012, 12:24 PM)BlueBlur97 Wrote: [ -> ]Come on Meta! Tell us your favorite console. 
NES, Genesis, Dreamcast, DS lite.
That's cool! Were those your favorite consoles because of the games on it, or another reason?
nah, because they look cool as paperweights. and the DS lite particulary has the perfect size to level the table i got back in xmas.
I would say my favorite consoles for now are the gamecube/wii cause there are alot of amazing games on both console's some are hard to find as well, one of my favorite games on the wii Would be the No More Heroes series and Muruamasa The Demon Blade, while on the gamecube my favorites are wind waker, super smash bros melee, etc etc.
as well as the games thegameexplorer has listed
Come to think of it, I like the Nintendo DS lite as much as I like the PC, because the DS had backwards compatibility to the Gameboy Advance games. I have all my favorite games for GBA (Sonic advance 2, Zelda: the minish cap/four swords, Sonic Battle, Kirby: nightmare in dreamland/amazing mirror, and tons of others). I also like it because it's portable and since it supports GBA and DS games, it also has a very large game library.