Although ripping from the PSP is now possible, I'd like to know what tools are good enough for the job and can work together with my laptop. I feel that a lot of sections are incomplete and missing stuff here and there and it would be nice to fill them. Now that it's possible ripping from such consoles as the Xbox and DS (impossible to rip from the 3DS atm) I would like to know more about such sprite ripping tools.
PSP ripping is actually the easiest to do for me
The iso can actually be opened with winrar and it shows all the files in the game.
Some of them may be compressed with like cpk or afs but there is a a lot unpacking tools
such as ASF Explorer and Scripts for QuickBMS.
Most of the image files for PSP are pngs so they just have to be extracted.
Sounds are easy too. They have their own format but it can be converted if you just google a converter for that specific format.
Models however are a different story. The model format depends on what engine was used to make the game.
You could like download a trial version of the engine they used to make the game then import the model and save
it as a different format such as dae but it all really depends.
^ This post doesn't help me much though... xD

I'm quite interesting in ripping (static) images from the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun PSP game... but when I looked at the files in the ISO I see myself a bunch of... .BIN .PMF and .BNL files...
But to be more accurate of what images I want to get, you can check out this post:
Emulator isn't as perfect and makes them look transparent... =/