I believe Zerox whom originally ripped "Ultima Weapon" from KH2FM left out the opacity map. Zerox, if you read this, could you please provide the rest of the texture maps if any are provided with the game?
This is how it appears without it in 3ds max 2012.
This is how it should appear instead.
![[Image: no-opacity.png]](http://www.FF6Hacking.com/no-opacity.png)
lol, you can create the alpha map quite easly. XD
Keyblades utilize complex alpha maps. I could make one, but it'd take a log while. The original creator should have submitted it as well.
(05-12-2012, 07:19 AM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]? (05-10-2012, 11:22 PM)valforwing Wrote: [ -> ]i miss zerox.
I just miss zerox is all. great MMD/WC3/modder in general
Plus he's the one who ripped Zero and X in the Mega Man X8 section.
That Zerox.
the opacity map is written into the texture as the transparency. all i did was make the .png completely white and added a black background

i do it with all ripped model textures, it always seemed more efficient to me.
Now that someone mentioned it... I'm gunna have to redownload those models he uploaded... MMX8 Zero and X were my more favored ones. I liked the slender design as opposed to MVC3s Zero and X models. I rigged them for MMD a while back but lost them.

; Maybe I should find a copy of XP and start using game assassin, I have a spare HDD to do it from.