I made this for the sake of it,
the hill part is an edit of an actual pokemon tile, I will be removing it and doing my own soon.
everything else is unique, I am particularly proud of the bushes, trees and the water
![[Image: pokemon_styled_spritesheet_in_progress_b...4z899p.png]](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/131/3/6/pokemon_styled_spritesheet_in_progress_by_pushbombshell-d4z899p.png)
EDIT: the guy sprite is part of another sheet, that is still a WIP (obviously) so atm its just a base to sprite over
Well uhm
the colors. Look pretty much heavily oversaturated for pokémons.
The large bushes look like snails ;-)
I think I need to shade an extra bit or two on the big bushes, as for the saturation, I like things bright and colourful (though I may have gone a little overboard I'll try and fix it up a bit)
but I'm not trying to clone pokemon sprites, I'm trying my on take on the general style, I hope to use these in some project (as with most of my sprites, even though most aren't used) so I dont want it too close to pokemon style, if its too close there's issues in using them.
Sheets updated with a couple of fixes and pallet changes, keeping original up to compare.
These look pretty good
Though actually the backs of the hills looks a tad too angular
I suggest not to use two straigt lines for the hill backs (banding issues and general weird look).
As for the colors, I think it might look better if you used different greens for grass and trees and bushes to make the whole scene look less monotone.
updated sheet, slight pallet changes, terrain fixes.
also notable I am not working on what its meant to be used in as a side project, intended size is 2x (in which I am very happy with it so far)
keep the crits coming please

I'm a bit unsure on how I should change the pallet of the grass (with it being extremely vibrant at the moment)
Just play with the colors, see if you find something good. Don't stay in a box, try brighter and darker colors, blueish tints, desaturated colors, anything. To get a feeling for colors, you have to use them, see how they work.
I took a look at the palette generator, not a big fan of it, but its something interesting I guess. Anyway after than I did some messing around mostly with the grass colour (as its the most common part of the palette)
here are the 4 looks that game off most interesting:
in order from left to right what I was aiming for with the particular palette White Balanced, Mild, Dark hue shift, Bright Mild.
![[Image: whitebalanced.png]](http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/1251/whitebalanced.png)
![[Image: darkshift.png]](http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/6995/darkshift.png)
![[Image: brightmild.png]](http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/8169/brightmild.png)
I particularly like the Dark hue shift.
Well see, now that's an improvement in coloring!
I suggest to have different color variations of trees and bushes to make the scene look more interesting. Have bright trees, dark trees, yellow-ish trees, that sort of stuff. Different kinds of trees would be neat, too.
The side view of the cave entrance could be a tad wider, I guess.
The blades of gradd look bad, though, especially since the sidewards ones are basically lying on the ground instead of popping up and the blades of one bushel are quite far apart.
completely random though slightly related, I decided to give a HD version a try
![[Image: highres.png]](http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/2204/highres.png)
I wont be spending much time on this just thought it'd be an interesting way to get used to dithering better.
![[Image: highres.png]](http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/2204/highres.png)
EDIT (leaving old one to show progress) I'll try and finish the high res hill for the sake of practice, but I'll be working on the actual sheet more.
I love the bottom-left one, but it looks more like night time or a dark forest.
The bottom-right one is the next best, and would probably be more suitable for your game.
The top-right one comes third for me, but it seems just a tiny bit de-saturated for my personal tastes. Because of this though it has quite an R/S/E feel to it, which is nice.
The top-right, while not bad, feels too GBC with the sharper contrasts.
And finally I also agree with Previous that it all feels too monotone.
Despite those things though your work is very good and I look forward to seeing your progress on this!
pallet updated, new tile pieces, trying to get the shop / house tiles started, any inconsistencies between sheet and mock-up is because I'm editing the tiles in the mock-up to see what works then updating the tilesheet accordingly, I'm happy with the vending machines and the shop floor and the grass pallet I think looks a lot better, it has the hue dark look but is still bright enough to seem like day.
crit to hell and back, from here on in this is being considered part of my portfolio (I'm making a compilation of works, including finishing the SoundJumper sheet and the Speedo Joe sheet (and maybe a draft of the massive tileset), as well as a bunch of large pixel art I intend to do)
I'm stuck for money and I figure putting a port folio together could be useful should an opportunity present itself.
TL;DR? CRIT THE HELL OUT OF THIS! I need to get better!
This is really good actually. I'd like to see it in an rpg maker game.
I'm starting from scratch aiming for my own style rather than aiming for pokemon style, the character still came out looking rather pokemon-ish though XD
anyway here is what I have so far, there was also transitions into a mud terrain but the mud looked crap so I scrapped it to give it another go.
![[Image: WQSNQ.png]](http://i.imgur.com/WQSNQ.png)
EDIT: top row (16 x 16 per tile) is the tiles in a neat row, below that is an active sample.