Ah... Pac-Man World 3. It was released in 2005. It was the 25th anniversary title for the Pac-Man franchise. In honor of Pac-Man's 25th, they gave him a voice. Martin T. Sherman voiced Pac-Man in this game. Do you know and have any comments on the game?
oh, i see your ban is over.
What a truly awful representation of the Pac-Man franchise. It was so bad that it was the only Pac-Man World game not released in Japan.
It had ugly dark and colorless worlds and characters that look like they belong to the Destroy All Humans franchise instead of Pac-Man.
I actually really liked Pacman World 2.
I did too. It was colorful and fun. Pac-Man didn't talk. The main villain looked like a Pac-Man character!
Ah I want to play that game so badly now, used to play it on my cousin's PS2.
I got stuck on that lava level; oh god that was ages ago...sad I lost the game though.
so basically, no one gives a fuck about pac man world 3.