Hello people of Model ressources.
I have any request for you.
I can't do these for my self 'cause my computer is not enought powerful.
I'm looking for the Valkyrie Lenneth and if it's possible Silmeria. the two from Valkyrie Profile 2
I would like too the princess Zelda in her adult version from OOT and the young Malon please
And for finish it is possible to rip Yuan from TOS 2 please? I have seen the topic a locked
Thanks to you! ^^
From which game is Valkyrie Lenneth ?
Vakyrie Profile Lenneth, but she appears in Valkyrie Profile Silmeria and in the Ds opus too.
(05-15-2012, 09:46 AM)Orel67 Wrote: [ -> ]Vakyrie Profile Lenneth, but she appears in Valkyrie Profile Silmeria and in the Ds opus too.
Can you at least make the number on your total posts = 30 before you request?

Excuse moi mon grand mais j'ai lu les règles de request!
Il est écrit noir sur blanc 20 posts et 1 mois d'ancienneté!
D'autant plus que j'essaye de participer au mieux a la communauté!
Alors ne viens pas avec tes gros sabots parce que je suis nouvelle ici et que je t'ai jamais croisé!
Dommage pour toi j'ai un sale caractère!
I should be able to get you everything, except for Valkyrie Profile 2.
(05-15-2012, 10:30 AM)BlueBlur97 Wrote: [ -> ] (05-15-2012, 09:46 AM)Orel67 Wrote: [ -> ]Vakyrie Profile Lenneth, but she appears in Valkyrie Profile Silmeria and in the Ds opus too.
Can you at least make the number on your total posts = 30 before you request? 
Before you start acting like a mini-mod you should probably know the rules yourself.
(05-15-2012, 12:26 PM)Roxas358 Wrote: [ -> ]I should be able to get you everything, except for Valkyrie Profile 2.
It's already a great beginning.
(05-15-2012, 12:28 PM)Sengi~ Wrote: [ -> ] (05-15-2012, 10:30 AM)BlueBlur97 Wrote: [ -> ] (05-15-2012, 09:46 AM)Orel67 Wrote: [ -> ]Vakyrie Profile Lenneth, but she appears in Valkyrie Profile Silmeria and in the Ds opus too.
Can you at least make the number on your total posts = 30 before you request? 
Before you start acting like a mini-mod you should probably know the rules yourself.
Thanks to you!
Well that was a STUPID move I made! I'm really sorry for posting something that stupid, Orel 67. I hope you forgive me.
ok the Hedgehog! I forgive you!
Well, I didn't get as much done as I wanted, but young Malon has been uploaded.
You can also find her in my Small Projects thread found in my sig.
I'll try to get your other requests up soon.
Yeahhhh Thanks so much Roxas!!!!
How did you rip that Roxas?
(05-16-2012, 01:08 PM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]How did you rip that Roxas?
I used 3d Ripper on the GameCube version of OOT.