SNES version is almost totally ripped.
What are you planning to rip rgveda99? You have chosen great games to rip (and I want to avoid to rip the same char as you).
(06-19-2012, 10:04 AM)Magma Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]Use WinKawaks. Anything Neo-Geo/CPS1/CPS2 must be ripped with it. And if you can't get along with the tile viewer, use the shots factory.
Yes I was using WinKawaks. Yes I am perfectly fine with the tile viewer in it. (er, mostly, it needs screen capture built-in because PrintScreen has been mangling colors lately for me)
It's that the tiles are an absolute mess, and would require waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much effort to rip a helicopter... unlike the previous game, the rotors are baked into the sprite, meaning 16x3 = 48 frames of helicopter to rip. You want to do it? BE MY GUEST, I go for low hanging fruit.
Which in this case may be:
- 1942 (Arcade ver.)
- Strikers 1945
- Strikers 1945 III Maybe not, someone already ripped what I was going to do
- Air Duel
- Argus
- Asura these are games I was able to easily pull a ton of tiles out of with old MAME's tile viewer. And this list may increase!
Go back to Winkawaks tile viewer, choose 16x16 and scroll the to bar to show just one row. You will see everything perfectly, the way it should be.
Gradius (other systems):
@Maxim, how do I load a CD into that Mednafen?
(06-19-2012, 03:33 PM)Magma Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]how do I load a CD into that Mednafen?
It depends on the Frontend. If you use "Let's Mednafen" like me, you must specify the command line option "-pce.cdbios [path to the syscard file]" in the Frontend. The "syscard" is the PC Engine CD Bios; you need it to run ripped images. I recommend using images (bin + cue) only instead of physical media.
A newer and popular Frontend is "MedGui". If you use that, you have to switch into advanced mode to select the cue file and set the syscard path.
(06-19-2012, 01:26 PM)Cyrus Annihilator Wrote: [ -> ]SNES version is almost totally ripped.
What are you planning to rip rgveda99? You have chosen great games to rip (and I want to avoid to rip the same char as you).
Thanks. I'll probably rip the hydra and the items for King of Dragons. Then move on to Battle Circuit.
The set on the right doesn't actually get used in-game as far as I tell, and is at best an estimation of the tiles I found.
(06-19-2012, 08:31 PM)rgveda99 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks. I'll probably rip the hydra and the items for King of Dragons. Then move on to Battle Circuit.
Great choice! (As I said in your topic) I'm ripping the playable chars of Shadow Over Mystara, it will take a lot of time to finish, but I will

(06-19-2012, 09:51 PM)Deathbringer Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: chc__wonderbird__icon.png]](
The set on the right doesn't actually get used in-game as far as I tell, and is at best an estimation of the tiles I found.
Is there a difference between the frames aside from the red glow? If not, i suggest you include only one frame of each set and the palette to keep it smaller.
Double Dragon (Other Systems)
![[Image: IOtQ0.png]](
Unlike the maps on other sites, there are no sprites put on top. Also it has the door animation, the tiles and the beginning of Mission 2 has a part that isn't shown ingame but is displayed on the mapviewer.
Target: Renegade (NES)
Playable Character
I was going to have a different rip here but did something else for now. Anyway, this game is a case of Americanisation compared to the original home computer versions since it changes the character (from a Rambo lookalike in the Commodore 64 version, a curly haired person on the Spectrum version and a man with sunglasses on the Amstrad version) to a Billy Lee lookalike as well making everything a misery (I won't spoil the game but let's say it makes everything seem pointless). It was good on the home computer versions due to that their Double Dragon ports were awful, it either had 2 player mode or better graphics/music depending on version but on the NES... yuck. The concidence being is that the developers of this port worked on other beat em ups such as a port of Double Dragon 3, the Alpha Batman game on the SNES and that Tick game.
As for the name, the character's name was only mentioned once in the entire game since they keeps saying kid refering to the first Renegade where you started the game with "Good luck, kid" and milking it.
And these are all online now! Except rgveda99's rips, because I'm feeling a bit lazy to make icons at the moment

And now they're up!

Thanks Maxim, and of course rgveda99!