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Pages: 1 2
This is his first custom sprite, guys! give him a break! and also, its not his fault that he doesnt know how to spell pikmin..
Spelling mistakes in names are kinda.....idk, they just annoy me Ded

Also....give him a break? What do you want us to do, compliment him on a sheet that we don't like? We criticize to be helpful. Otherwise he won't improve one bit.
I came in here expecting the Tetris sprites from the Fantasy Smash Project. :C
(09-03-2008, 12:20 PM)-Dark- Wrote: [ -> ]Spelling mistakes in names are kinda.....idk, they just annoy me Ded

Also....give him a break? What do you want us to do, compliment him on a sheet that we don't like? We criticize to be helpful. Otherwise he won't improve one bit.

^^ your'e right. i guess. the spelling mistake thing cracks me up, though. XD
(09-03-2008, 03:20 PM)Tero Wrote: [ -> ]I came in here expecting the Tetris sprites from the Fantasy Smash Project. :C
Sorry, too lazy.

Oh, about the sprites uh... ... They're boxes, pillowshaded, and... just easy stuff. The animation is the only thing I'd be able to criticize on something like this, cept... that's lacking. I mean, i think that run is an animation but... uh... Well anyway, it's not fluid. I know it's your first sprites and all, but this is hardly anything worth speaking about. I suggest editing before you do customs. And... real editing. Not recoloring. And not sticking bat wings on Mario, and setting him on fire. Make something outta something else, yanno?
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