Thought it'd be cool to make a birthday thread for once, everyone else has been doing it.
Happy birthday Raz! You don't post that much, but you're a pretty cool guy and a Tech Admin, and I noticed it's your birthday. So how could I stand by and not congratulate you?
It's Raz's birthday? Happy birthday raz! I thank you for all the help you've given me!
happy birthday, mister razzmatazz!
Happy birthday Raz

Have a good one, my dear TSR chat friend :-)
Happy birthday!!
We're all c
razy about you!

Thank you very much everyone! I really appreciate it!
Happy birthday, mate

Raz backwards is Zar,
which sounds like Tzar/Tsar/Czar,
a Tzar is a Eastern European name for an emperor,
Raz is a tSR tech admin emperor....
(happy birthday)
I always get Raz mixed up with Dazz... One of you needs to change your names!
Happy Birthday
Have a Razzular birthday, Razz!
(05-23-2012, 10:55 AM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]Have a Razzular birthday, Razz!
(05-23-2012, 05:23 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]I always get Raz mixed up with Dazz... One of you needs to change your names!
Happy Birthday
We're actually one person. We (Daniel) have Multiple Personality Disorder. Clearly Dazz is the evil 'twin'