Eh I'm sure most game will use the Tablet controller anyway.
The 360 controller is so comfortable
I don't dislike the dualshock at all because I'm not a console fanboy but I find the 360 controller to fit my hands much better and the left stick placed in the primary position is better
But why would you ever move the face buttons
Yeah I like my analog stick and primary buttons to be level...
Like this:
God that was so perfect.
The gamecube controller was basically perfect anyway
The face buttons were a little strange but if it had an L1 button (and I guess a select and Home button) there would be no need for another controller, ever
To this day it's the only controller to perfectly fit my hands
so comfortable
The Gamecube controller will forever be the best controller for button mashing shenanigans
After the silly Nintendo Direct skit, everyone want Non-Specific Action Figure to be in the next Smash Bros.
Don't know who I'm talking about? Take a look:
Boy it doesn't take long for people to like something. Psh.
Sir, I believe that is something called "trolling".
the more i check the wii-u's features, the less i am interested in it.
I dunno, this Nintendo Direct made me more excited for it now. I'm curious to see the games!
(06-03-2012, 07:28 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Eh I'm sure most game will use the Tablet controller anyway.
I was thinking about this while seeing the conference, I don't think this will happen. Like it happened with the DS and the Wii, the gimmick will be just an add-on and not really something developers will be working hard to fully utilize.
I imagine the new pro-controller is more for backwards compatibility. Since that's how it was introduced - as a replacement for the Gamecube controller.
This also makes the placement of the sticks/buttons less dumb, since the D-Pad was the only control scheme for games up to N64. So that'll be used with the D-Pad the most...
(06-04-2012, 04:14 AM)Maidsukki Wrote: [ -> ]I dunno, this Nintendo Direct made me more excited for it now. I'm curious to see the games!
(06-03-2012, 07:28 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Eh I'm sure most game will use the Tablet controller anyway.
I was thinking about this while seeing the conference, I don't think this will happen. Like it happened with the DS and the Wii, the gimmick will be just an add-on and not really something developers will be working hard to fully utilize.
thus defeating the console's purpose entirely.
this coupled with the underpowered hardware it will sport for the next generation...
sounds like dreamcast all over again... too advanced for the previous gen, yet too limited for its own.
![[Image: ib2iK5yZLgY9rL.gif]](
I thought this would be appropriate here.
now I can't think on anything other than making a Cannon Head character
How funny, I watched that film literally 2/3 days ago.