(06-04-2012, 10:28 PM)alexmach1 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-04-2012, 10:18 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]EDIT: Dislike bar is now a light-saber.
man, those comments...
btw, if bioshock was a microsoft game, why is the big daddy there?
Because BioShock was ported to the PS3 later on.
But Smash Bros. clone or not, I'm certainly getting this game.
(06-04-2012, 10:04 PM)[Cokealorum] Wrote: [ -> ] (06-04-2012, 09:33 PM)Gwen Wrote: [ -> ]All of my former complaints still stand, it just looks like a cheap mess.
From what I saw, the majority of your complaints involved "being a Nintendo guy" or disliking Sony. You said the gameplay was too similiar to Smash. Last time I checked, smash didn't involve building a super bar to perform a KO move. Sure its a crossover fighter with platform like stages. But the last time I checked, Smash bros didnt originate either of those. You said the gameplay seemed clunky. We've seen only a few videos, it's kind of hard to judge the gameplay's "clunkiness" by a few vids. I will admit the character models do seem a bit subpar. But that doesn't make a bad game. Hell, it could completely rip off smash, but that doesn't mean it would be a bad game.
Also, calling bullshit on it being a "cheap mess"
Sorry if I'm coming off assholey, I have a rather large speech/debate coming up and I need some practice
A few videos worth of gameplay can tell a whole lot about the game, and it's perfectly fine to assume it seems clunky from several minutes worth of gameplay, also the artstyles all clash and the reason I call it a cheap mess is because the characters clash, as unlike Nintendo where characters actually seem to fit together, you have the Killzone guy from a FPS, Kratos from a beat em up, Fat Princess from a game, the clown from twisted metal, Parappa the Rapper, and Sly, and the only characters I actually see blending together into a uniform style are the killzone guy and twisted metal guy and them being in a fighting game doesn't make to much sense to begin with. It just seems like a cash in that was designed to lure in only the most hardcore Sony fans.
At least a Sony Smash Bros is a more valid option than just trying to port every notable Sony IP into the next actual Smash Bros game.
I, for one, am completely okay with there being a Sony Smash Bros, and I'm even more okay with it ripping off Smash Bros; it might be unoriginal, but it's at least giving Sony fans a decent party game to enjoy, chock-full of their favorite characters.
because snake and kirby blended so much right guys
Yeah, instead of doing a different type of fighting system that would MUCH better fit their own characters, like first person!
I don't think Snake should really be included in an argument at all
he was a third party joke sort of inclusion and
one character out of a roster of 35 is really insignificant
(06-05-2012, 12:07 AM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]trying to port every notable Sony IP into the next actual Smash Bros game.
Also, his comedic nature actually fit in with Nintendo's other characters, so I actually feel he blended in fine.
Since I won't be here tomorrow to hear the conference, I thought I'd leave my predictions.
![[Image: yV4O]](http://puu.sh/yV4O)
I was at work so I didn''t get to watch Ubisoft and sony until later
all i have to say is
holy shit watch_dogs looks great
rayman looked -fun-
Kinda quick to jump to who won E3 huh?
We still have... THE FINAL DAY
okay make that
UBISOFT WINS (today's) E3
The fun thing is, they made Snake and Kirby blend together in the same game. It didn't feel out of place. Maybe they were onto something when they didn't let him have guns on his moves, you know. Captain Falcon is also a kinda "realistic" character that blends in just fine. Heck, even Toon Link is ok. It's all about how these things can go along and not just throw every character there and see what happens.
As much as I feel this game is meh, I have actual interest on it, so maybe I'll play it or even buy it if I have the chance. On more simpler times, people would just be happy that they would have their own version of "Smash Brothers" to play :T
Also, Big Daddy for some reason wow Sony is running low on IPs already
Beyond looks really fucking good. Like, I don't know how it plays yet so I'm not judging that, but it visually is stunning, and while means nothing to a game in most senses, we've played Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) and Heavy Rain, and we know what this company is capable of.
I am so excited for that god damn game.
Additional, Assassin's Creed III naval warfare looks really awesome. I hope Ubisoft take a page from that book and make an actually fun game about pirates, because seriously, I have been longing for that shit.
Far Cry 3 co-op looks like a mess, SSB rip-off looks unfinished, Last of Us looks kind of cool but probably super scripted fighting. If it isn't, it might kick ass, but I'd struggle to understand how it's programmed.
Hmm! Lots to take away for Nintendo - 5 hours to go.
(06-04-2012, 10:18 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: 264473c6.png]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v418/Dumle/temp/264473c6.png)
EDIT: Dislike bar is now a light-saber.
And, oh lol they changed the tags just now.
EDIT: HAHAH, the tags keep changing!
ahahahahaha why does sony keep copying nintendo despite everyone mocking them over this