(06-09-2012, 09:54 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]"nostalgia" is a stupid gimmick and quite frankly everyone needs to get over it
Like all gimmicks if used right Nostalgia can be a good thing and with such a rich history as Nintendo is a powerful weapon to use - and thus would be foolish not too. Contra 4 used it well, being inspired by stages and bosses of the past but still creating a completely new and exciting game. Super Mario 3D Land teased us with that raccoon tail and the Koopalings being in New Super Mario Bros Wii pulled at my nostalgic heart strings.
I don't know what "terrible" thing koopaul did in the past (and frankly don't care) but opinions here seem to be held far too highly here. If my memory serves correct (it probably doesn't) it was him who defended Metroid Other M to scary levels*. I say I like God of War and get handed a philosophical argument as to why my opinion is wrong. Like it's a game people. If you like it good, if someone doesn't - well that's fine to. People aren't going to change what they consider is a good game by what people tell them when they enjoy it. Saying "Well I think So n So is shit" is fine, but arguing to why someone's opinion is wrong is just stupid. I studied religion at University, made arguments that leave God as something that simply does not exist yet when someone says "God spoke to me" or "I feel Jesus within" your done. Your not going to change anyone's mind. No one really cares if your right - so don't be forceful pushing your opinions onto people. And don't be a smeg-head and start the whole "so people who think murder is ok shouldn't be told otherwise" logic - we're in a completely different ball-park and you know it, lets have some maturity.
Stating why you don't like it is fine, saying why other's shouldn't like it is just being King Shit of Shit Mountain. We all love games, games are fun - lets keep the talking about games fun.
Sadly I was away during E3, managed to watch Nintendo's live and the rest was headlines. Nintendo disappointed me, and even the stuff shown after the press-conference (like Game & Wario) didn't do much to excite me. So far the Wii U just seems like a whole lot of interesting ideas not being used well. Yes Batman looked cool as changing gadgets was a bit (as in very mildly) annoying but showing off what the Wii U can do for games which have long been on the market isn't the best way to capture an audience's enthusiasm. And again, yes Mario Wii U looked good, but it isn't anything ground-breaking.
I'm also really looking forward to Luigi's Mansion 2 (even if the subtitle sucks) but the trailer for that game is about as unexciting as it gets. I'm sure it'll be a great game but I wish they put something a bit more exciting together to show it off.
*If it's on any importance, Koopaul seems like a cool guy now (if he even was the Metroid person, which he may not have been) and attacking someone like that is uncalled for regardless of what he may have done - let's keep it cool people.
Are you guys really continuing this argument.
When I said stop derailing, that wasn't a suggestion. Either take it to PMs, or shut the fuck up.
Another post about this and I start handing out warns.
To be fair he kept his post on topic as well :L
Overall I was disappointed by E3 this year, even though some great games were shown, nothing really happened like last year, at least with last year the bad was still hilarious to watch, this year was such a bore.
That article just makes me think of Bulletstorm. That game just takes vulgarity to a point that even bugs me, and I have a sailor's mouth myself. It's a game ruined by dialogue, and controls that are shoddy at times.
(06-10-2012, 03:09 PM)Gwen Wrote: [ -> ]That article just makes me think of Bulletstorm. That game just takes vulgarity to a point that even bugs me, and I have a sailor's mouth myself. It's a game ruined by dialogue, and controls that are shoddy at times.
yep, welp, nope and nope.
Not entirely sure what that entirely means, but to me, it was a game that could have used some tweaking in the gameplay, and some actual dialogue instead of stuff that would even make a preteen say "Really? I'm actually listening to this?"
the gameplay is fine, it just has a learning curve because it's not a traditional shooter.
I had no trouble with that, I'm talking about controls not responding, the gunplay is fine, it's the movement really that is marred by shoddy controls.
The controls were odd, not bad - but the tutorial could defiantly have been better.
The word fuck is defiantly needs to take a break though. When it's funny (aka Conker's BFD, Tenacious D) it's fine. But a lot of games seem to be forcing it in. It was fine in Splatterhouse (which I know is a bad game before I get opinion raped) because it was that kind of game, and even then it was used no where near to the stupid levels it was in Bulletstorm. Saying fuck just isn't cool, and it normally makes a game look incredibly dumb when it's over-used.
Yeah maybe I'm a pussy or maybe it's because I grew up listening to people sing about an octopus tending a garden - who knows. I just know there's a line, and when it's crossed it makes me feel uncomfortable and dumb.
But I know what you mean, I muted Bulletstorm at one point, I still have to finish it, but I'm not really sure my brain can dumb down that much.
The maturity of Bulletstorm can be easily represented by the quote that ended the demo:
"Catch ya later, Dick Tits!"
It doesn't mean anything, it's the kind of vulgarity kids use. It's pointless and distracting... but as I recall I liked the gameplay. :l
A friend sent this to me.
All of EA's games being played on gaming rig.
PC Master Race comes out on top again.
Let's hope watch_dogs was really on console though
![[Image: 67Nog.png]](http://i.imgur.com/67Nog.png)
Like anyone can even take EA seriously anymore
(06-11-2012, 01:00 AM)Mutsukki Wrote: [ -> ]Like anyone can even take EA seriously anymore
(06-11-2012, 12:34 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]watch_dogs
For now, they have to be.
For Watch Dogs's sake.