Derfs # 3, 6, 21, 23, and when a game just pisses me off, 26
God I hate acronyms, I have no idea what 18 and 19 are. And I have no idea what 25 has to do with video games. Anyway 23 doesn't count because everyone has at least a little of that in them.
(09-02-2008, 08:40 PM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]I have no idea what 18 and 19 are.
Western RPG sir, and Japanese RPG sir.
There's differences.
Koopaul you'd be a number 28.
Tha'd only work if 28 had a speech bubble about it that said BAWWWWWWWWWW and other things that nobody cares about.
Koopaul is his own number because of his nintendo Fanboyism. Number 28 is Nintendo Fanboyism.
Mainly 21, 23. I have a very small amount of everything else but mostly those two.
I'd have to say I'm 16 (artfag), with strong hints of 13(nostalgiafag), and 26 towards specific kinds of people. Also hints of 22(collector) and 19(jrpgfag). By collector, I know what games are worth and in some cases I'm willing to spend a good amount of money on games if I happen to find them, but I'm generally not very serious about it.
I detest 18, 9 and 7 and kinda dislike 8.
I'm 23, tried being 6 (Fratboy) cause everyone at school is, but they were too monotonous, still, it's nice to pull out when you need to play someone who's decent.
Also, my brother is extremely 13, He's 25(Years old, lmao, safsdga not a donkey), and he's, as the youtube vids say, part of the "Clinton Years" generation.
there 6 is one of the most obnoxious ones on there
Could've sworn there was a rule against 4chan stuff....

wow, I'm actually a 'Grampa' the Magnavox Odyssey was my first system.
I thought the rule applied for unfunny, overused 4chan stuff, not relatively normal things.
(09-07-2008, 05:04 PM)you can call me 7ILBY Wrote: [ -> ]I thought the rule applied for unfunny, overused 4chan stuff, not relatively normal things.
This list consists of overused memes from /v/.
I'd say it applies.