1, 7, technically 11, 13, 21, 25, 26.
I am 13, 14, and 23.
Everyone at my school is a 1. You get pretty used to being yelled at for wearing a Wii shirt. "WII SUCKS YOU distinguished gentleman XBOX 360 FUCKING OWNS EVERY GAME SYSTEM THAT EVER EXISTED." and the occasional "MARIO IS A distinguished gentleman WHERE ARE HIS FUCKING GUNS AND SHIT" or "WHAT'S SPORE IS IT AN FPS??????"
yep, school.
oh yeah
I'm also a 13 and 14
(09-07-2008, 05:17 PM)Fireshock Wrote: [ -> ] (09-07-2008, 05:04 PM)you can call me 7ILBY Wrote: [ -> ]I thought the rule applied for unfunny, overused 4chan stuff, not relatively normal things.
This list consists of overused memes from /v/.
I'd say it applies.
this isn't overused, learn your shit
3 - Everything but a PS3, and If my dads awesome its on its way
13 - I Really miss when it took me 1month to finish a game.. I had so much fun

14 - Well Uh I don't have that EXACT download up right now.. no way.
21 - Not so much anymore as in say 1 Year ago.
27 - Well thats me on live.
4, 10, 21 when i get my hands on it, 23, and when I fight Boss I-no in Guilty Gear XX, 26 xD
I was 21, untill my Diamond crashed, now I hate the game.
Other wise 23 and a bit of 3, cus I don't have an Xbox or PSP, some are almost, but there also something that isn't me.
1) Nintendo fanboy and proud of it.

13) Because I think this generation sucks.
17) Before I quit wow.
23) Nah, not really

24) Since I think Link is gay.
26) When I'm pissed off because my game starts getting increasingly difficult making me yell "CHEATING GAME!!!" >

causing me to smash my controller against the wall thus banging a hole in it. Okay, a bit exaggerated, but you get the point.
I hate 27 because it's not only spam, but also tends to be related to something you're biased against. Sure, you "treat" it as spam to act all professional and above all of that fanboy behavior, but deep down inside, you wish you could put your foot up that guy's ass for his insolence!!! >

It's a shame that I'm a nostalgiafag and a Pokefag
I forgot to mention Art-sir
I don't play too many games.
Because games cost money.
Probably a mix of 16 and 13
(09-13-2008, 03:01 AM)Mr. Buttbutt Wrote: [ -> ]I don't play too many games.
Because games cost money.
Probably a mix of 16 and 13
become 14 and games suddenly stop costing money.