My two latest sprites, but I have a whole sheet of old and new stuff:
And If anyone manages to find anything on this sheet (or the two above) charming, feel free to edit it into something of your own! You don't even have to give me credit, as long as you just lemme see it

Feel free to steal any base pallette etc
(doing this because this stuff is just sitting on my hard drive, if it gets used anywhere that would be better)
and of course, edit to show me how to improve please


The shadows' pattern on those sprites is incredibly creative. I never would have thought of that.

thanks smithy
![[Image: DxrFL.png]](
original character do not steal
come on, no one else wants to try? dont be such a bunch of babies.
I would feel horrible sullying this beautiful art style with my inadequate talents.
but the point is to learn! I'm hoping by editing, some of that awesomeness will be implanted into you and you will strive to keep that awesomeness blooming

I tried making my character but... well, lets just say that it isn't my best work, but hey, at least I had fun with it.
![[Image: 11hvxhe.jpg]](
Reading key attributes of a style is my weakness.
Looks good as its own, but not shiny enough to match the style
its not a matter of "style" you silly nerds, its about understanding how colors works. thats the point of it.
I'd try but I'm not on my laptop yet (using Mom's CPU ATM).

Well, I tried one, but I don't think it came out to well.
supposed to be Missingno, that glitch pokemon from Red/Blue.
Ehhhh, I don't like it.
Dammit, another experimental set of sprites I want to try out yet can't! D<