Happy birthday Sh@de! Hope it's a great one!
Also, happy birthday to Neo 2.3 Hylan, KoA, and Don't Hug Lucario!
Happy birthday mister Sh@dey! Have a great day!
H@ppy BirthDBZ

Happy birthday Shade Man! We love you!

Happy Birthday Shade Dude
Don`t know if you`ve played earthbound before but have this cake
Oh hey, thanks guys!
I really appreciate it!
& Senjen, I would gladly except a Mr. Saturn cake any day!

happy birthday, mister curtain! i mean, mister blind! i mean, mister drape! oh, i'll never get it right...
H@ppy birthd@ay Sh@deDBZ!! hope your d@y isn't Sh@dy!
Happy birthday Sh@de! Hope you have a good one.