Hello, nice to meet you
My name's C0RE64, but I'd like to be called Bart.
I've been a programmer in Java for 4 years now, did Visual Basic, C#, PHP, C++, Ruby and a slight tip of HTML aswell. Yeah, I love coding
Well I don't like to tell much about myself, I'm from The Netherlands, yet I think my English is good enough to make myself understandable.
That's it I guess

Welcome to the Resource Community!
It's always nice to have some experienced coders around!

(05-31-2012, 02:51 PM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the Resource Community!
It's always nice to have some experienced coders around! 
Haha, thank you. I see you're an experienced coder aswell!
Welkom naar de Hulpbron, Bart! Ik hoop dat je een fijn tijd hier heb!
Yeah, I'm half Dutch, but I'm much more fluent in English. I had to use Google Translate to figure out what "resource" was
I'm also a sort of coder, if you can call ActionScript 3.0 a proper coding language.
(05-31-2012, 05:20 PM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]Welkom naar de Hulpbron, Bart! Ik hoop dat je een fijn tijd hier heb!
Yeah, I'm half Dutch, but I'm much more fluent in English. I had to use Google Translate to figure out what "resource" was 
I'm also a sort of coder, if you can call ActionScript 3.0 a proper coding language.
Haha, dat is leuk!

Well though my time on the interwebs I still have managed to keep my native language, haha. I guess you've moved to the US or GB?
And I surely call AS3 a proper coding language, seeing that you can do beautiful things with it
Thank you all for the warm welcome, I'll submit a release in an hour.
Welcome to the site sir! I hope you enjoy yourself!
(06-01-2012, 12:21 AM)C0RE64 Wrote: [ -> ]Haha, dat is leuk! 
Well though my time on the interwebs I still have managed to keep my native language, haha. I guess you've moved to the US or GB?
Well, I was born in NZ, so English is actually my first language. I learnt Dutch from my parents and we speak it at home, although we replace a lot of words with English, especially ones we don't even know like "hulpbron".
Maar dit soort dingen maakt mij willen oefenen

Welcome to tSR community Core64! You'll love it here! I love the presence of experienced PC coders around!

@MRSKELETON: what do you mean? A paid job, or?
@Dazz; haha, thank you! I surely will!
@puggsoy: haha cool, I'd love to help you out!
Goodluck on here my friend!
Er zijn hier meer Nederlanders dan je denkt, NEDERLAND FTW!
(06-01-2012, 07:22 AM)BlueBlur97 Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to tSR community Core64! You'll love it here! I love the presence of experienced PC coders around! 
Thank you! And i already do - time to submt some things to make it grow and grow

I will also program something soon, I was thinking about a NDS sprite extractor..
(06-02-2012, 05:10 AM)C0RE64 Wrote: [ -> ]I will also program something soon, I was thinking about a NDS sprite extractor..
A note of advice, before you go and do that you should check out the NDS extractors that are already out there, to avoid making a redundant app. A really good one that I use is Tinke, there's also stuff like Tahaxan out there.
However if you managed to make something that would surpass both of these that would be
How about a NSBMD to useful model format converter? People surely would love such a thing. :-D